A Complete List Of The Most High Paying Life Science Jobs

ACompleteListoftheMostHighPayingLifeScienceJobs by #NewToHRACompleteListoftheMostHighPayingLifeScienceJobs by #NewToHR

Have you always had a flair for science? Does the idea of chemicals, organisms, or microscopes excite you? Then you’re probably a good fit for life-science positions.

While the ones you think of right of the bat do take a lot of training (read, expensive schooling), there are other jobs you can get with just a bachelor’s degree (or less). We’ll explore a range of both types in the article below.

Ready to learn what life science jobs are out there, what they pay, and if you’re a good fit for them? Keep reading.

What are Life Sciences?

Life sciences are what you think of as classical science. Medicine, chemistry, biology, and even physics. They’re sometimes called the “hard” sciences, compared to “soft” sciences, such as psychology and sociology.

You need a robust analytical thinking style to understand and succeed in these fields. That means that you know math well, as a concept, as in how numbers relate to each other, and you have a strong understanding of the physical world around you.

If you’re not scared of machines, strict protocol, and bodily fluids (sometimes), then this is the niche for you!

4 Life Science Jobs That Require a Bachelors Degree (At Least)

Already have a bachelor’s degree or are looking for options as you’re working towards one? You could become a…


If you want to help people get better but don’t want the stress of having to diagnose patients, do surgery, or work in a clinic environment, seek out pharmacy jobs. They require a unique program degree (pharmacy school), but it’s only a few years.

Pharmacists usually make over six figures, and their job isn’t going anywhere soon. People will always need medicine. And no matter how advanced technology gets, there will still need to be human interaction in the field to make sure there aren’t any mistakes.

To succeed in this position, you’ll need to be very detail-oriented and number-friendly.


Do space and time mystify you? Love looking up to the sky and wondering what’s going on up there? If you don’t mind late nights and dark work environments, look into being an astronomer.

And while stargazing doesn’t sound that technical, you’ll need a hefty academic resume to get a well-paying position in the field. We’re talking about at least a master’s, if not a Ph.D.

If you’re willing to put up with all that school work, you can easily make over $100,000 a year. But keep in mind, you’ll have school loans to pay off.

Natural Sciences Manager

To succeed in this position, you need to pretty much be a professional organizer and goal setter. Not the kind that can organize a closet, but the type that can organize people, projects, and teams.

That’s essentially what this job is: a science project manager, and it pays well. We’re talking close to $120,000 a year.

School-wise, this position is more about work experience than what degree you got. So if you’re still in school, try to find a lab manager position and work your way up from there.


Are you constantly checking the weather? Fascinated by how a cold front thousands of miles away can affect the climate where you live?

Or maybe you’re more into storms and love the idea of being a storm chaser. If either sound like you should look into meteorology, they do more than deliver the weather on TV – they come up with the forecast, calculate patterns, and use scientific measuring tools.

To get a meteorology job, which pays around $90,000 a year, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in physics or atmospheric science.

Life Sciences Jobs Without a Bachelors Degree

Okay, let’s say you don’t have a bachelor’s degree, and you’re not looking to get one, with the current price of education. You can still work in this field.

Medical Sonographer

Are you interested in what’s going on inside the body when there are problems or even pregnancies? Are you always staring at people’s ultrasounds, trying to see a shape?

Then it sounds like sonography would be a good field for you. You’ll work in clinical or hospital settings, looking for problems or movement with ultrasound machines and other imaging devices. You’ll make around $70,000 a year and only need a professional certification.

Chemical Technician

This is another position for someone that’s very organized and enjoys project management, but it doesn’t pay close to as much as the other position we mentioned above.

A chemical technician works along scientists in a lab, making sure they have access to the solvents/chemicals they need, ordering supplies, and organizing the lab in general.

You’ll make just above $50,000 a year, which is respectable and doesn’t require that much education cost.

Registered Nurse

Probably one of the most popular non-bach degrees in healthcare is nursing, but that’s not to say there’s not a need. There’s a national crisis and desperate demand for nurses in the United States.

Schooling takes about two years, and many programs are offered through cheaper community colleges.

You can make up to $80,000 a year, or more if you decide to do extra schooling and become a nurse practitioner. You’ll help people every day and get lots of human interaction.

If you think any of the above jobs are for you, talk to someone in life sciences recruitment.

Getting to Work

If something on this list interested you and you’re still in school, make an appointment to speak with your advisor. They’ll guide in your next steps towards your dream job.

If you’re still searching for the right life science jobs for you, look into our “learn” tab above.

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