Categories: Business

Accounting Advice For Newbies

When running a business right from the start, the most challenging thing for us to work on is the accounting and finance. If you are not a money expert then accounting can be a big challenge to get to grips with and it can be more confusing than it is worth. 

This is why today we are making it our mission to make things simpler for you and today we are going to take a look at some of the ways that you can manage your accounting effectively without all of the jargon. 

Use an app 

The easiest way to make horn accounting a little bit easier this year would be to use an app to do it. Applications can be a great way for you to manage your money without the confusing. Finance and accounting software will make life much easier and it will allow you to manage your money in style. 

Decide on a bookkeeper 

If you really don’t want to take on the job of finance for yourself this year, a good thing for you to do is hire someone else to do it for you. This will minimise the risk of human error and it might make things easier for you overall. You can also make the decision of whether to hire someone into your company to outsource it instead.

Make a spreadsheet for invoices 

When it comes to creating a professional spreadsheet for your invoicing, it is important for you to create unique codes for each of the invoices on your list. Every time you send someone an invoice it should have a unique code which you can type in to find them later on. This will allow you to reference invoices and check back on status in the click of a button.

Follow up on payments 

It is crucial as a business for you to always follow up on unpaid balances from your customers. As soon as you create an invoice this will act as a contract of payment for you and this is why you have to ensure that you follow up and make sure they pay. 

Add interest clauses 

The best way to make sure that you are paid as a company is to add a payment clause and due date onto your invoices. If you do this, it means that after the specified date, the balance will accumulate interest every day until it is paid in full. This is a great motivator for people and it will ensure that they don’t try to take you for granted. 

Save on supplies 

The main thing you want to achieve in accounting as a business is a high profit margin. There are many ways that you can do this, but saving money on supplies such as your computers, furniture, stationary and such will make a big difference. You can also find free software and tools online to market your business and save money making marketing materials. All of these things will help you save as much as you can and make more profit. 

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