Adjusting Your Sleep Schedule For In-Person Life

The COVID-19 pandemic has made in-person meetings seem like a distant memory, with Zoom meetings becoming the new normal. Organizations have adjusted for the need to reduce physical contact among their employees by allowing remote work. While some require workers to report to their offices from time to time, others have permanently allowed entire departments to work from home. 

Now that vaccines are being administered worldwide, there is a bit of optimism that life may soon return to normal. This progress may mean unlearning some of the norms the pandemic had imposed on people’s lifestyles. If you were telecommuting, you might be required to return to the office. Getting back in the groove of rising early to rush-hour commutes following months of working from home can be a difficult adjustment.

Think About Lighting

Light plays a vital role in our sleep cycles. For an optimal sleep pattern that will help you function at your best, you need to expose and shield yourself to light at the right time. 

To make sure you reach the recommended sleep quota, you need to shut off all light sources when you go to bed at night. These include the light coming from your mobile device. Resist the temptation of scrolling through social media one last time before you drift off like 90 percent of people aged 18 to 29 years.

Your body produces a hormone called melatonin to induce sleep. The presence of bright light of any kind interferes with the brain’s production of this chemical. Expose yourself to light at the right time in the morning when you need to begin your day. Draw the curtains at night to prevent any light from entering that could disrupt your sleep. 

Consider New Bedding

The quality of your bedding plays an equally important role in the amount of sleep you get. Having the right kind of mattress for your back will enhance comfort while keeping the alignment of the spinal cord intact. 

An adjustable bed frame with massage is designed to keep your back comfortable as you enjoy a soothing full-body massage throughout the night. This mattress can be adjusted to multiple positions so that you can find the setting that works best for you. You can also program the mattress to retain that position.

You can find the mattress that works best for you by window shopping at mattress stores in your vicinity. Make sure you take time (10-15 minutes) to try out a mattress before committing to a purchase. Or, identify a retailer online that will allow you 30-90 days to try out the mattress under a money-back guarantee.

Maintain an Exercise Routine

Devoting at least 30 minutes every day to intense physical activity will improve the quality of your sleep. Though scientists have yet to establish the mechanics behind it, researchers have observed a correlation between intense aerobic exercise and slow-wave sleep. This rest is the deep kind of sleep during which body tissues are repaired and the brain resets. A solid workout will also unburden your mind and put you in better spirits even after a rough day, further helping induce sleep.

Exercising at the right time is just as crucial to good sleep as the sweat session itself. Experts recommend you get your workout done at least an hour before you go to bed so that your body’s core temperature goes down sufficiently. 

Eat on a Regular Schedule

Both what you eat and the time you eat that last meal before retiring to bed will influence your sleep quality. Nutrition experts advocate for a diet of fruits and vegetables as the body requires a good dose of vitamins and minerals to guarantee quality slumber. 

A meal high in carbohydrates and sugar will have the opposite effect, so you might want to go easy on the pastries when having your dessert. They are the reason you might wake up frequently during the night. Dietary experts warn against intaking spicy foods before going to bed for the same reason. 

Experts also advise that you give yourself ample time between the ingestion of your last meal and going to bed. Eating late into the night will reduce the quality of your sleep, leaving you groggy at the start of the day. Develop an eating schedule that will accommodate the recommended minimum of seven hours of sleep.

Sleeping into Normalcy

As restrictions are lifted and in-office work becomes normal again, you need to resync your body clock accordingly. This task will involve ensuring you get the deep sleep you need to attack your commute and day in the office with the required energy. If this requires you to change your eating hours, begin exercising, or invest in a new mattress, don’t be afraid to start.

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