Categories: Business

Five Ways To Make Advertising Fun For Your Customers And Employees

Advertising is a way of life for every business, and the more advertising and marketing you do, the better off you are. Without a comprehensive marketing strategy, customers won’t know your business exists. If they don’t know you exist, they can’t buy your products or services.

All the stress of advertising can turn it into a huge chore. Not to mention, many traditional advertising methods may be effective, but they aren’t exactly fun. They aren’t fun for your team to do or create, and they can be kind of boring for your customers too.

It doesn’t have to be that way! It turns out, there are a lot of advertising ideas that are just as much fun for your customers as they are for your employees!

Giant Inflatables

There’s just something about giant inflatables. It doesn’t matter how old you are, a giant inflatable slide or bouncy castle automatically pulls us out of our everyday lives and has us giggling like small children. You can use these emotions to your advantage by using giant inflatable advertising.

Try creating a huge inflatable of your company mascot, or print your company logo on a giant inflatable. People won’t be able to resist coming in for a closer look and taking a picture, which will provide you with plenty of free advertising when they post those pics on social media.


When you think of costumes, you probably think of Halloween. Just think about how much fun it is to dress up as your favorite character! As a matter of fact, some studies have shown that being able to wear a Halloween costume to work can make employees happier.

Don’t just wear a costume once a year at Halloween. Make it part of your advertising campaign and you can do it all year long!

Whether employees take turns wearing a regular costume or an inflatable costume, you can bet that everyone will have a blast at the next event.

Inflatable Tunnels

Large group events can provide you with the perfect advertising opportunity. However, they are also the most difficult to master. Especially if it’s your job to pump up the crowd for an event or a concert.

Get the crowd excited by using an inflatable tunnel. The tunnel can feature your company name or logo while employees and guests are introduced and make their way to the field or the stage. It will get your team pumped for the event, and it will undoubtedly get the entire audience excited about what’s to come.

Plan a Flash Mob

Don’t have a lot of money to spend on advertising materials? Don’t let that discourage you from having a great time with your marketing strategy! You have many other options. One of the best is planning a flash mob.

The element of surprise will take potential customers and clients off guard, and your team members will love seeing the looks on everyone’s faces!

A few ideas include:

  • Plan a dance routine in a public place outside
  • Have multiple employees frees and unfreeze their movements in a mall
  • Choose an unexpected place, like a grocery store, for your flash mob
  • Have a large group of people read aloud from a passage or a book
  • Dress up and act like different characters, like ninjas

The more creative your ideas, the better. Get the whole team involved and try and come up with an idea that plays to your employees’ and business’s strengths.

Give Away Some Good Stuff

Everyone likes free things! It turns out, it can feel really good to give things away too. That is, as long as you’re giving away something good.

Free pens and coffee mugs aren’t very exciting for the recipient, and they aren’t very exciting for your team to give away either. Instead, give away some good stuff and everyone will have a good time.

Hosting a giveaway or contest and giving something big away, like a TV or jewelry, is unquestionably a lot of fun, but a few average items can be fun to give away too. Most people love getting free T-shirts, especially if they get to pick their right size. Free lunch and treats make great giveaways too!

Don’t think your latest advertising campaign has to cause the entire team to roll their eyes with boredom. There are plenty of things you can do that will be just as fun for your team members to give as it is for your customers to receive!

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