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Guide To HR Technology

Connecting Humans with Technology

It’s now a widely-accepted fact that an HR System is an essential element in HR’s contribution to their organisation, but although the more savvy HR practitioners have been harnessing their software for some years now, this realisation has still taken some time to take root.

To illustrate this, some figures recently show that:


HR Tech is not part of People function!

HR leaders don’t have HR tech as part of their people strategy.


Next 12 Months

HR leaders say that it will become important in next year*.

Why is this so?

There are a number of factors that contribute to this apparent continuing lack of priority;

The selection, implementation, and back-end operation of the HR systems was traditionally entrusted to Information Technology teams, ensuring minimal ‘buy-in’ from HR, and a knowledge disconnect.

Until fairly recent times, systems were not intuitive or easy to use, which led either to disuse or even the system being abandoned altogether.

Implementation times were long, sometimes up to a year or 18 months for some medium-sized organisations, causing a critical drain on time and resources.

A high incidence of badly-selected or poorly-implemented software meant that systems failed to deliver the expected benefits. The legacy of this was natural reluctance by HR to undertake such projects again, and for Boards and Finance directors to provide funding. HR was then obliged to carry on with what they had, struggling to get some usable output by means of manual interventions.

All of this means that the whole topic of HR systems has become a virtual no-go zone for many HR professionals. Combine this with the natural organisational inertia caused by resistance to change, and you have a substantial obstacle to progress in your path.

But, here we are in the middle of a digital revolution!

Guide To HR TechnologyGuide To HR TechnologyBoards and managers are demanding more information in real time to both assist in the management of the business and its people as well as check that it is meeting its aspirations as a responsible employer.

Statutory requirements are becoming more frequent and more complex.

It’s now more important than ever to seize the initiative, and ensure that your organisation has access to the benefits that the right HR software can bring.

Denis and Nicole decided to put this course together mainly as a response to factors a) and d) above.

Factors b) and c) have mostly solved themselves with the passage of time as more agile software houses started focusing on the customer experience instead of doing what their programmers said they should.

Newer systems now only need weeks to roll out, minimising the impact of the project, although this is totally dependent on the state of preparedness of the client.

Our course is designed to show that an HR system is as essential to HR as accounting software is to finance people.

We will do that by demonstrating the advantages to be gained by using the system, both strategic and operational, outlining a methodology by which you can accurately identify and select the right software for your organisation, and finally give some pointers towards a successful implementation.

Above all else, using a good methodology will banish any fear of tackling this most important project, which is a crucial part of the HR remit.


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Early in 2018, Denis wrote an article defining the 3 Fundamental Laws of HR technology:

  1. HR will take responsibility to ensure that their organisation has an HR system configurable to meet its process and information needs.
  2. HR will be responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of information held in the system, providing a single source of truth and real-time reporting.
  3. HR system information will be freely available and in required formats to all in the organisation authorised to have access to this information.

This was intended to place responsibility with HR, who should be the prime movers in the selection and implementation of their HR systems as that way ensures ownership and commitment. Further, it places the onus on HR to keep their data up to date and accessible.

We’ll be honest with you; there is a lot of hard work and time to be invested before you can arrive at the success you want. There’s no short cut.

Asking random people on LinkedIn if they can recommend a good HR software system is no way to get the answers you need, and this is mainly because every organisation has its specific requirements and its own way of working.

Accordingly, software must be configured to suit your particular needs, and some applications may not actually be able to do this.

Perhaps one of the most important points to remember is that the presence of a desired module does not guarantee that it will work for your processes.

We also are aware that HR practitioners ”don’t know what they don’t know” when it comes to HR software.

We’ll show you the various functions and features that are available, and the methodology that we will be sharing will allow you to focus on which of these you will need – both now and possibly in the future – and how they must perform to give you the maximum benefit.

The course is structured to take you in logical order through the whole selection process, and then we will look at the implementation phase so that you will have a clear picture of what is happening as the project managers roll out the software.

We’ll be looking at that all-important business case too, as many of you will need to initiate the acquisition of new or upgraded software.

And – importantly! – we’ll be explaining everything in everyday terms; We can promise you that although we have both been involved in HR Technology for a good many years, we cannot write a line of code to save our lifes 😉

So, no geeky terminology!

We’ll be available throughout the course to explain or clarify any queries or concerns that you may have.

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*Source: YouManage HR

© New To HR


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