Categories: Business

How To Get Customer Feedback That’s Actually Useful

When it comes to improving your business and staying ahead of the trends, customer feedback is your best friend. This is especially true for e-commerce businesses. Given the growth of online shopping, e-commerce is becoming a mainstream phenomenon. If you have a store that sells something to the general public, you have probably noticed that more and more people are searching for products and vendors in your area. 

The question is: how do you get your business noticed? The answer lies in getting feedback from your customers. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book, and it still works today. Get your customers to provide you with honest and constructive feedback about how you run your business. Here are seven ways you can get customer feedback that works.

Customer satisfaction surveys

One of the most powerful ways to get customer feedback is sending out surveys. These surveys can be short and sweet, or they can be a little more complicated. The main point is that customer satisfaction surveys are a great way to get feedback from your customers. You may want to include these questions:

  • How likely are you to buy from us again?
  • What would you recommend about our product/service?
  • What do you like least about our business?
  • Do you have any suggestions for this business?

Once you have gathered all of your responses, it’s time to look at what you learned. Customer feedback can help make your business better, and it can also help your business stay ahead of the trends. The customer feedback that you’ve taken will help you make some changes in areas where they’re needed. For example, if one of your products isn’t doing very well, then you know that there’s something wrong with how it’s being advertised. If many people mentioned that they didn’t like the navigation on your website, then maybe it needs an update.

Transactional emails

Email is still one of the best ways to get feedback from your customers. It’s easy to do and doesn’t require much effort. Set up a system that automatically sends out follow-up emails after a purchase. Include a question like, “How would you rate the quality of your purchase?” and they will be more likely to reply with honest feedback.

Likert Scale

One of the most common methods for getting customer feedback is to use a Likert scale. A Likert scale is a way to measure how strongly someone agrees or disagrees with a statement. It can be used in surveys, questionnaires and other similar formats. For example, if you had just finished sending a study about your product, you might ask your customers if they would repurchase it. You could have responses that range from “definitely yes” to “maybe” to “definitely no”. The answers given are then tallied and ranked according to a degree of agreement.

Long-form responses

The best way to get helpful feedback from your customers is to use long-form questions about their experiences with your business and products. This will help you understand what they think about you, and it will help you learn how you can better serve them in the future. For example, one question could be: “Where would you like to see us expand into?” And another question could be: “What frustrations do you have with our product or service?” These are just two examples of what a customer might share with you in response.

On-site feedback pop-ups and widgets

Most e-commerce stores have a contact page somewhere on their site. This is one of the easiest ways to get feedback from your customers. A site feedback widget can be installed on your site, allowing visitors to submit their feedback in a pop-up window. Another way you can gather customer feedback is by installing a chat widget on your site, where customers can chat with customer service associates and provide input that way.

Abandoned cart emails

One way to get feedback from your customers is by sending email notifications when they abandon the checkout process on your website.

These emails are an easy, cost-effective way to make inroads with potential customers who have yet to purchase anything. The more people who sign up for these notifications, the more you’ll be able to learn about their current and future needs.

If you have a high customer abandonment rate, this is also an excellent opportunity to offer discounts or promotions to bring these prospective clients back into the fold.

Short in-app surveys

One of the easiest ways to get customer feedback is creating a short in-app survey. This is quick and easy because your customers are already on your site actively looking at products which means they’re more likely to respond to an in-app survey than if you send them a link. It also has two significant benefits: it’s relatively inexpensive and can be done quickly.

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