Categories: Business

How To Manage The Way Your Team Works In 2019

How To Manage The Way Your Team Works In 2019 by newtohr.comHow To Manage The Way Your Team Works In 2019 by

Proper management of a team of workers is crucial to success within any business. There are various ways you can better manage the way your team fulfils their duties, whether through software, technology, or simple actions any manager can take to inspire the best from their team.

Kit Your Team Out with Useable Technology

It’s clear by now that technology and software make a company’s job a whole lot easier. By ensuring that your employees have access to technology relevant for their positions, you can improve communication and consistency within a team. It could be as simple as all relevant employees having a business phone which uses the same apps and processes, or having access to the same system on a computer as everybody else.

  • It could be as simple as all relevant employees having a business phone which uses the same apps and processes, or having access to the same system on a computer as everybody else.

By doing this, it means that all team members can work in coherence with one another, whether that’s all being able to video call, use Skype, or make notes on the same system software tool to ensure everybody is kept up to speed.

Have One Easy-to-Use Platform Which Consolidates Employee Information

Managing your team effectively isn’t just about their everyday role and responsibilities; it’s also about having a clear system in place for employee records and in regards to HR and your payment system.

You don’t want general admin mistakes to prevent employee development or begin to cut into valuable time which could be spent on other tasks.

Consider a fully-functional platform like Core HR to manage your employee information better.

Check in Regularly with Your Employees

A sure way to get a firmer grip on the activity of your team is to be in constant communication with them. This includes regularly integrating yourself, checking in with their work responsibilities, and undertaking performance reviews and staff meetings often. The latter means you can speak to everyone as a whole and ensure that the whole team is working towards the same goal.

  • It’s also important to have one to one time where possible to make sure that any concerns a team member may have been raised, or any feedback they have – whether positive or negative – can be given. This is important for improved productivity, as there may be an easier way for an employee to fulfil a specific duty, or maybe they have a suggestion of how to do something differently.

Likewise, you may need to give constructive feedback to guarantee that a team member is working in an improved way.

Make Sure You Have a Clear Hierarchy

A team works better when they understand clearly who they are working alongside, who they need to report to should there be an issue, and who their top manager is. Confusion in the ranks can only breed a less organised working space, and therefore a less productive one.

Better management of a team can come from delegating responsibilities and tasks to certain individuals, and employing a team leader or junior manager to take care of specific jobs. This not only alleviates responsibilities from the top manager but helps the focus within a team.

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