Categories: Business

Keeping Staff And Customers Safe: What You Need For Covid-19

Keeping Staff And Customers Safe What You Need For Covid-19 by newtohr.comKeeping Staff And Customers Safe What You Need For Covid-19 by

As many countries are preparing to start loosening their regulations in regards to social distancing, more businesses will start to reopen and serve customers. If you want to be there for your customers but ensure you protect them and your staff at the same time, you may want to take a number of steps. Even if it’s not compulsory for you to do any of these things, it is smart to take certain measures to play your part in helping to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

These are some of the steps that you might want to consider if you’re preparing to reopen your business in the near future.

Signage for Social Distancing

Social distancing is the practice of remaining a certain distance from others in order to avoid spreading the virus, which can be transmitted through touch, coughs and sneezes. The recommendation is generally for people to remain two meters or six feet from those who are not in their household.

Of course, it’s not always easy to know what this looks like in practice. Signage can help to remind customers, and companies like Leach can help you with your needs. Many stores are already using stickers and tape their floors to help guide people around their store.

Protect Cashiers with Screens

Protecting your staff is just as important as protecting your customers.

One of the ways you can protect your staff is by giving cashiers screens to protect them while they are serving customers. This will help them to avoid being infected because the screen provides an extra barrier while they are sitting or standing during their shift. It can also help to protect from customers who may get aggravated, although it’s also important to have security staff to provide support for your employees.

Boost Hygiene

Keeping things clean in your store is another important need during the pandemic. There are many ways to improve hygiene and protect both your staff and customers.

Regular cleaning will obviously contribute, and it’s also helpful to spend extra time disinfecting the handles of carts and baskets. As well as paying extra attention to cleaning, you can take measures to reduce the amount of touching necessary to shop in your store.

For example, using contactless payments allows customers to wave their card or phone without having to hand anything to the cashier or touch anything else. Encourage people to avoid using cash if possible.

Control Crowds

To help maintain social distancing, you might need to control how many people can come into your store. If there are too many people, it will be difficult for them to stay six feet apart. To avoid this, take steps to prevent too many people coming into the store at once. This might mean determining how many you can safely have in the store and operating a one-in, one-out policy or limiting the size of groups.

If you’re getting ready to reopen your business, think about how to maintain a safe and healthy workplace and shopping environment first.

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