Making Remote Working Easier

With more and more people working from home, or in other locations to the office, you may wish to find ways to streamline your company processes, even when individuals are not present with the rest of the team. Working from home allows companies to save money on rent of office space, and lets employees have the opportunity to work where they feel most comfortable, whilst saving money on gas or transport costs in the process.

Generally, as long as employees are still completing their work to a high standard, and making the most of their time, many companies are now welcoming the transition to having remote workers. Even though these workers may not be at your workplace in person, there are still ways in which you can make their role easier, meaning they will be able to make the most of their time far more efficiently.

Digital Assets

You may have a number of digital items that you require your team to have access to, in order for them to fulfill their role. Rather than needing to continuously email or upload items to one another through messaging systems where they can get lost, you can instead opt for Digital Asset Management. This allows your team to work fluently with one another and enables them to edit images or files in teams, much like they would have done when working in the same location – see this site for further information on DAM.

Video Calling

While you may all be working from separate locations, that doesn’t mean there aren’t times where communication is key. For some companies, that may involve a barrage of emails, but that can get confusing, particularly if there are numerous participants. Others may have set days for in-house meetings, or even book them as and when required. While this may be feasible, it then does involve needing the office space, and requiring workers to find a way in, which may be a challenge for those with young children or no transport.

Video conferencing is becoming more and more popular as a means to speak with colleagues or clients in a (virtual) face-to-face manner, without requiring the need for anyone to leave their home office. This can end up saving companies and employees a great deal of time and money.

Shared Calendars

If there are tasks that need to be completed, you may struggle to figure out who is currently working, what hours they are doing, and when they have a vacation booked. In the past, you would have been able to figure that out by simply doing a headcount of who is present, or using an office calendar on the wall.

The same can be implemented using shared online calendars, so employees and managers will quickly be able to see who is available and when deadlines need to be completed by.

Working from home doesn’t mean you have to lose out on the quality or quantity of work that was being completed before. By optimizing your processes, and making things simpler for your staff, the work can be finished and your employees can gain a great deal of work satisfaction.

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