Categories: Business

Strategies To Give Your Business An Eco Boost

The reality is that in order to preserve our planet for future generations, we all need to be doing what we can to help prevent further environmental damage. 

As business owners that’s no different – just like individuals have a responsibility to be kinder to the planet, so do businesses. And what’s more, an increasing number of people are coming to expect businesses to take caring for the environment more seriously, with large swathes of people boycotting brands that fail to comply. 

With both of these things in mind, if you want to see your business thrive (without causing excessive damage to the environment), you might want to take the time to rethink your ‘green’ policy and find new ways to boost how eco-conscious your company can be. 

With that in mind, below is a guide to some of the simple strategies you can use to give your business an eco overhaul – read on for everything that you should know about greener business practices. 

Work with green suppliers 

A rather simple way to ensure that your company is meeting its eco targets is to swap to working with eco-conscious suppliers, from green energy suppliers to product suppliers. There are plenty of areas where you can swap to more earth-friendly supply lines, it’s simply a case of taking the time to source these suppliers. 

For instance, say your company uses (or sells) hot melt adhesive for crafting, instead of buying toxic, chemical-based glues, you could swap to buying from a more earth conscious supplier. It’s little changes like this that make all the difference. 

Find ways to reduce energy usage 

Another important step that you can take when it comes to making your company a little greener is to take steps to reduce how much energy you are using. Of course, if your company relies on using a lot of energy for its processes, this can be tricky. 

Another option is to swap to using clean energy wherever possible, such as by having solar panels installed to help run your company. Solar panels might come at a high initial price, but when you consider how much money the investment can save your company over time, it is most certainly a worthwhile investment. 

Go paperless 

You don’t need to be sending out paper letters, memos and bills today, so why not turn your company paperless? Do away with outdated communication methods and strategies and go completely paperless. (It’s far easier than you would think.) 

Communicate with customers directly via email. Send in-house memos using a system like Slack. Use E-bill software to send out payment reminders. There are lots of ways that you can make going paperless super simple and stress-free. 

Recycle and reuse

If you want to boost your company’s greeness even further, consider recycling and reusing items wherever possible, and buying recycled items. 

For instance, say you need new computer chairs for your staff, opt to buy designs made from recycled or refurbished materials. Or, if you produce products that come in packaging, make sure that you’re using fully recyclable packaging that’s made from recycled materials. 

There you have it, a guide to how you can give your business an eco boost. 

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