Try These Tips For Increasing Your Odds Of Professional Success Over Time

Whatever your job or industry – and regardless of whether you are self-employed, working for someone else, or are trying to establish yourself as a creative artist – you obviously want to have the best possible odds of achieving professional success over time.

While overnight success stories are very rare in any industry or profession, consistent and focused work over a prolonged period of time almost always yields a substantial level of success. But that doesn’t mean that your path to success will necessarily be straightforward, or that it will involve climbing a corporate ladder or anything like that.

Here are a handful of general-purpose tips for increasing your odds of professional success over time.

Work to develop a breadth of experience in a variety of different areas

In the book, “Range,” the author David Epstein makes a compelling case that professional success is more often correlated with a wide breadth of experience, and a “generalist” skill set, then it is with specialisation, with the exception of certain very specific fields and pursuits.

In the book, he cites various examples of highly successful people who never actually “specialised” in any one thing over the course of their lives, but who moved from one job and subject to another, and accumulated experience and insight as they went along, until they were able to capitalise on it effectively at some key moment.

There are various ways to develop a breadth of experience in a variety of different areas, in a professional context. You can take up on-the-job training opportunities whenever they arise. You can undergo separate training and certification on your own time. You can explore a variety of different hobbies and side projects.

As a rule, the more “range” you have, the more effectively you should be able to leverage your talents and insights over time.

Network, be present in person, and build your portfolio consistently

No matter how good you are at your job and no matter how easy you are to work with, you need to be on people’s radar in the first place in order to get offers and opportunities coming your way.

Throughout your career, you should make a point of networking consistently, being present in person, and building your portfolio day after day, and year after year.

The more you can establish your name and develop a broad network, the greater the likelihood that you will be able to explore dynamic opportunities down the line and that people will find you through expert networks and other avenues.

Always be working on at least one side project at any given time

Working on side projects in your spare time can benefit you in a number of different ways.

For one thing, each side project that you work on presents you with learning experiences, and can increase your range of skills and insights, as already mentioned earlier in this article.

For another thing, many side projects that you could be working on will have the possibility – even if only slight – of becoming profitable and successful endeavours in their own right, over time.

For another thing, side projects will keep you driven and motivated.

Try to always be working on at least one side project at any given time, that you find interesting and meaningful.

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