Why You Should Support A Charity As A Business

We are living in a pretty self-involved world; a world of instant gratification and no patience to wait for anything. When we order online, we order for same-day or next day delivery. We own businesses and our customers want an instant service and it makes sense – we want what we want. However, we need to think about giving back to the world around us – no matter what.

As a business, you want to appeal to your local customers and community first, and supporting a local charity, getting involved in fundraising for school spirit wear and even putting your employees into the community to help is some of the best charity that you can offer to others.

There are plenty of studies that prove that today’s millennials have driven a movement in social responsibility, and if you want to boost the sales of your company, then charity is the way forward. So many companies out there come up with some amazing ways of doing good for the world, so it’s your turn, now. There are plenty of benefits to supporting a charity as a business, and we’ve got four ways to do just that.


When a company comes together and creates an amazing team spirit, it’s an excellent morale booster. Corporate donations and donations of time allow a business to take an active interest in the community. The workplace culture and atmosphere increases when your staff gets involved, and with a more positive general attitude among the group, morale goes up.

Charity makes your employees feel good and this makes them better at their jobs as a result. Better morale leads to better productivity and your company will be better for it.


If you want to spread your brand around, charity is how to do it. Philanthropic businesses are those that are most powerful, and if your charitable sponsorship is public, you can bet that you will be able to do better with your marketing. Those school spirit wear outfits we mentioned? You can put your name on them as the sponsor for that team, and this will get your name out there where it should be. This will show your clients new and old that you have something to offer!


One of the instant benefits of charity with your business is in the taxes – you can see the way that your contribution helps the community and you’ll notice how much you save in taxes at the same time, too. There’s nothing like getting something back from giving to others!

Community Benefits.

Lastly, charity is good for your local community. Giving back is a good thing to do and you will see how much better off your community is as a result.

This can be hugely rewarding and is especially worthwhile if you embark on ongoing charitable community initiatives that can become synonymous with your brand. This is a benefit that can be seen in action across local focuses like the Walmart Foundation’s ongoing dedication to fuelling food banks in the locations of their stores. Equally, as explained by David Shulick, domestic appliances brand Whirlpool are becoming well known for their ongoing ‘Care Counts’ program. This has seen them donating washing machines and dryers for the reduction of school absenteeism in their area, and now well beyond it, for the last eight years. 

It can be especially effective to support community initiatives that are close to your company’s messaging, or even to align the company’s choice of charity to support those your employees personally support. Not only will this be better for your team it’ll be a good way to initiate change in your business. Charity counts for everything, so why not look for a new one to support today.

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