Working From Home? That Does Not Mean Your Car Doesn’t Need Some TLC

Working From Home by #NewToHRWorking From Home by #NewToHR

In light of the rapid spread of the coronavirus in recent weeks, many businesses of all shapes and sizes are seriously rethinking their operational models. In the majority of cases this means closing physical premises and imbuing their teams with the tools they need to work remotely from home.

While most of us will relish this opportunity to spend less time on the road and (let’s be honest) a little more time in bed without needing to worry about the stressful morning commute, that doesn’t mean that we can afford to neglect our vehicles.

Your car works so hard on your behalf, it’s easy to take it for granted. But this complex and miraculous piece of machinery needs some TLC even when it’s not on the road. 

Whether you’re working from home some of the time or on a full-time basis for the foreseeable future, here are some ways in which you can take care of your car so that you continue to get the most out of it whenever you’re next ready to hit the road…

Fill up the tank

As warm days and cold nights go by, the natural process of condensation can allow droplets of water to form in the empty parts of your fuel tank.

This can cause problems later. So make sure that your car has a full tank when you store it to prevent this.

Check your battery 

If your battery has a low charge, it may flatten by the time you’re next ready to drive your vehicle.

Spare yourself the need for a jump start and check in with your local garage to get your battery checked before taking your car off the road.

Clean and wax

You’ll want to protect your paintwork while your car’s off the road, so it’s vital that you wash and wax your vehicle before taking it off the road, even if you’ll be keeping it covered with a tarp or in your garage.  

Keep an eye on your oil levels

It goes without saying that you should change your oil and filters regularly (depending on your manufacturer every 5,000-10,000 miles) when your vehicle is on the road regularly. But if it’s spending a lot of time stationary, you should still ensure that you have a direct line to The Best Oil Company to ensure that you have plenty.

Over time, the oil in a static car will drain down to the sump and your oil levels will dip as a result. So keep checking and topping up regularly. 

Check your tires

If one of your tires has a slow puncture, you may return to your vehicle after a few weeks to find it completely flat. Take it to your local garage to get your tires inspected and to get the air topped up. This will prevent you from encountering any unpleasant surprises later down the line. 

Finally, if you’ll be keeping your garage stored indoors, you might want to crack the windows open a little bit. This will keep air flowing through the vehicle and prevent it from smelling musty when you’re ready to climb back aboard. 

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