6 Great Benefits Of Installing An Access Control System

6 Great Benefits Of Installing An Access Control System by newtohr6 Great Benefits Of Installing An Access Control System by newtohr

Access control systems are an excellent way for many companies to track their employees, improve security, and assist their front-of-house team in controlling who has access to specific parts of the building.

Many companies can benefit from using access control systems, and they’re not just limited to places such as medical buildings or government offices. They can be a great partner for companies across the company.

Choosing to have an access control system set up from Focus Security Group can offer you many company-wide benefits.

Easy to Manage

Access control systems, such as keyless entry and card access, are simple to handle building security. After you’ve installed your Camlock access control system, you won’t have to worry about who requires which key to enter which building, lab, or office. An access control system allows each employee in your institution to have correct access, allowing them to enter the appropriate buildings and offices without fear of a security breach.

Reduced Outgoings

If an employee loses a key, or you fire someone, and they are a keyholder who doesn’t surrender their keys, you need to change the socks or get new keys cut. This can be a big hassle, especially if you need to open up to clients or customers.

With an access control system, you can deactivate individual cards via your central system and issue new cars on site with little to no hassle.

Restricted Access

If all of the external and internal doors are connected to your access control system, you can limit who has access to different rooms or parts of the building. For example, suppose you are conducting interviews and want to avoid interviewees entering off-limit parts of the building. In that case, their temporary card can be set only to allow specific access to their interview location.

Time and Date Limits

You can make sure that people can’t access your building during the dates or times you set. Disabling all access for everyone or specific people can help you to increase security.

Maybe you are holding a conference over a weekend; you can restrict attendees’ access to only allow access during the days for the conference—the same for stopping people coming back to the building outside of regular working hours.

Ask for Credentials for Access

Depending on your industry or facility, particular offices, laboratories, or production facilities may necessitate additional protection, either because they are high-risk and necessitate specific safety training or because they contain sensitive information.

Anyone wanting to enter a restricted location can be required to provide particular obligatory credentials using an access control system. This ensures that your facility’s safety and security requirements are addressed while avoiding the hassles associated with traditional security systems.

Monitor Who Is On-Site and When

Suppose you require the swipe of a card for entry and exit. In that case, you can monitor more closely who is coming and going during the day, which can help you to identify patterns in behaviors, employees’ time cards, or even thefts from within the company.

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