6 Ways To Become A Better Team Player

Being a team player is an essential life skill. Being able to interact with others positively means better communication, better problem solving, and better creativity. It is known that good teamwork tops the list of desirable attributes for employees but being a team player impacts far more in our lives than just work. Read on to discover how you can increase your team skills and stand out from the crowd in any environment.

  • Learn To Trust

To receive trust, you must offer trust, and trusting your teammates will instantly make you a better member. Google’s 2012 Project Aristotle discovered that trust is a huge factor in building a triumphant team. Think of a football squad. Each player must trust one another to make the right plays, create opportunities, and ultimately can finish the job successfully by taking home a win.

  • Be An Active Listener

You’ve heard of being a good listener and you may think you are one yourself, but is your listening actually effective?  Be honest with yourself – how much of other people’s comments do you really take in? Do you absorb every word they say, or do you have a running commentary of solutions, ideas, and relatable stories? Do you end up thinking about your lunch, or your kid’s school reports, or your gym routine? If so, you may not be the effective listener you think you are.

Don’t panic, it’s totally normal to lose focus and let your mind wander when having a conversation, but being a good team player involves listening to, understanding, and absorbing your peer’s opinions and thoughts. Try watching the person speak and pay attention with an open mind. Try to distance yourself from any background distractions and move the conversation to another area if needs be. Make sure you ask any questions you need clarifying, so that you have a well-rounded understanding of what they are trying to convey to you.

  • Hold Yourself Accountable

No one is perfect and it is human nature to make mistakes. Being able to own your errors and learn from them is key in a team. If you can hold yourself accountable you will increase your productivity, own your mistakes, and in turn earn the respect of others in your group. If you make excuses for your actions, you can lose an element of trust from your teammates.

  • Be Adaptable

Whilst it is important to have boundaries, rigid people are not very good team players. If you want to have your own way all the time and don’t make allowances for others, it will have a hugely negative impact on your life. Flexibility will show your willingness and improve your problem-solving skills – both essential elements of expertise in a successful team. Being adaptable will improve your other attributes until you become a part of the team that others can’t do without!

  • Communicate

Being able to put across your ideas clearly and concisely is imperative. You cannot get what you want if you are unable to convey your needs accurately. Being an effective team player means understanding that your opinions aren’t always right and sometimes other people’s thoughts are more appropriate for the task at hand. Sharing your knowledge will only benefit others and vice versa, leading to a more well-rounded team.

Becoming confident with face-to-face communication is one of the most important parts of being a good team player. Plan what you would like to say ahead of important conversations and be careful to come across as passionate without being overbearing. If you struggle to communicate, try some journaling. It will help you get to grips with expressing yourself and you will find it easier to translate off the page into a scenario with others. If writing is not your thing, try practicing conversations with yourself in the mirror. You might feel silly, but it really works!

  • Check Your Ego At The Door

Good team building means working on an equal field when it comes to ideas and plans. If you can’t bear to be a shining star, then you need to work on letting your peers have their time in the spotlight. After all, their success reflects on the team as a whole – including yourself! Learn to celebrate their wins and in turn, they’ll help you reach your goals.

Do you have some tips for being a better team player? Drop your ideas in the comments to inspire other readers!

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