Commanding The Respect You Deserve

Commanding The Respect You Deserve by newtohr.comCommanding The Respect You Deserve by

Whether you’re in HR or any other position with some authority or responsibility to the team, respect is essential.

You can’t do your job, which will undoubtedly involve plenty of communication and collaboration, without it. But if you haven’t been feeling the respect you deserve as late, what can you do about it? Here, we’re going to run through a few tips that can help you with that.

Commanding RespectCommanding Respect

In most cases, you get what you give

Rather than focusing on the behavior of others, it’s always a good idea to start by looking inward. One of the most common reasons that someone might not feel respected is that the people they are dealing with don’t feel respected, either. Even if you’re in a position of authority, it’s important to show that you show respect to them, to treat them with decency, show that you’re listening to them and that you consider their opinions and viewpoints to be valid. Respect their time, and the demands placed on their own work, not just your responsibilities and aims. Interacting with HR and management can be a disruptive affair to many of your colleagues, so try to recognize that.

Take their time seriously

As mentioned, your colleagues are going to have their own aims, workloads, and time constraints. If you set an appointment with them, there is nothing more disrespectful than being unable to make it at the time you set. If you have trouble keeping time and being punctual, it might be worth looking at apps like Of course, you should hold them to the same standards that you set for yourself. Let them explain why they are late, if they offer an explanation, before jumping to conclusions, however. Even if it sounds like an excuse, it’s important to give them the benefit of the doubt. So long as they recognize that timeliness is important to you, they are more likely to accommodate that need in the future.

Look the part

Appearances do matter, even in the workplace. However, the standards by which we are judged in the workplace tend to differ. Ensure that you always dress as professionally as you can. If you don’t, then people are likely to believe that you’re slovenly or simply don’t know workplace etiquette. It’s a good idea to have a spare outfit at the workplace at any time, in case you have a wardrobe malfunction or a spill, so shop now and make sure that you are in good supply. If you look like you take your job seriously, people are a lot more likely to treat you that way. Hygiene and grooming are just as essential as attire, so don’t let either slip.

Communicate with clarity

Many people, even in positions of authority and responsibility, have trouble being confident in their communication. Getting lost in your words, speaking too quickly, losing your train of thought, and filling your speech with lots of non-verbal sounds can drastically undermine the authority of the message you’re trying to deliver. Downloading and similar speech apps can help you practice your public speaking. It’s important to keep the objective in mind while you talk, as well. If you’re about to hold a meeting, it’s not a bad idea to put some notes together. Memorize and practice talking points so that you can talk a lot more naturally and comfortably. If you can’t communicate with clarity, people are less likely to take what you say seriously.

Nonverbal communication matters, too

It’s not just what you say, it’s also how you say it. It might be tempting to recline in your chair and relax while talking to colleagues, but it should be obvious that this doesn’t create the most professional image of you. However, many people simply may not be aware that they don’t have the best posture or body language. Visit for tips on how to carry yourself with more confidence. If you project confidence and authority, your colleagues are a lot more likely to read it in you, as well. This creates a sense of integrity and professionalism that makes it all the more likely for them to show you more respect.

Be open to negotiation

Respect and authority aren’t about expecting all your demands to be followed. If you believe that, you’re more likely to be considered a tyrant or simply someone who is very bossy. If there’s a professional disagreement in the workplace, the person who negotiates it better is more likely to be seen, in the end, as the more reasonable, level-headed, and just. Putting your foot down simply isn’t always the best solution. Learn to negotiate, how to find compromise where possible. The person on the other end of the conversation is a lot more likely to meet you halfway if you show that you are taking their perspective, opinion, and needs seriously, not just your own.

Be the example

Especially for those in leadership positions, there is nothing better at undermining you and losing the respect of your colleagues than hypocrisy. “Do what I say, not what I do” doesn’t go down well with your colleagues. Set the same standards, if not higher ones, for yourself as you do for your teammates. When you make a mistake, admit it instead of blaming another. When you succeed, acknowledge the role that your team had to do in it. This encourages them to follow in your example and contributes to a healthier workplace where responsibility and accountability are taken and given as they should be. Of course, context does matter, so you have to be open to having your standards bent depending on the situation, too.

Remember, while respecting their colleagues comes naturally to many, for others, respect is earned and not given. Don’t feel like you have to kowtow to those toxic colleagues who might make it a mission to undermine, spite, or disrespect you. In those cases, don’t be afraid to involve some authority when your own attempts to create a mutually respectful working relationship doesn’t work out.

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