Creating A Happy Workforce

Creating A Happy Workforce by #NewToHRCreating A Happy Workforce by #NewToHR

When you run a business of any size, it can be easy to get caught up in business operations. You can spend a whole lot of time dedicated to product development, market research, raising brand awareness, marketing, advertising and more. But one area you absolutely need to keep an eye on that is crucial to your business’ success is the happiness and job satisfaction of your employees.

These are the people who keep your business up and running. They make sure everything ticks over and they’re the source of productivity and development.

Here are just a few areas you should focus on to make sure they’re being treated as well as possible at all times.

Check In On Employee Satisfaction

A really straightforward to check whether your employees are happy at work is to literally ask them. No matter how great your workplace may be, there’s always going to be room for improvement.

Often, this will be in areas you aren’t even aware of. The best way to get honest responses to employee satisfaction questions is to send around anonymous surveys. Employees can check the boxes they want and write the answers that need more detail without fear they might offend you as a leader in the workplace.

Putting on Work Events

Team events are simple to put on and will often be something that your employees look forward to. The cost of putting on a work event should be considered an investment. It makes your workers feel appreciated and valued, and they are consequently more likely to work harder for you.

Work parties at key points in the calendar year, a corporate yacht charter, or something as simple as a team lunch can all prove great!

You can also put on team building activities. Now, many people avoid these activites at first, associating them with awkward icebreakers and introductions. But really, they can be a lot more fun and open up communication between people who may need to collaborate on a project down the line.

It’s generally a good idea to get people away from their desks to put them at ease and in a more sociable spirit. Activities like escape rooms and treasure hunts are good for this – breaking out of the strictly professional environment and fostering new friendships within the team.

Create a Source of Support

Every member of staff should feel supported and know that they can report problems to a neutral body within the business. This is where HR comes into play. HR can resolve issues and disputes, rectify problems, and tackle unhappiness at work in a strictly confidential manner. If you don’t have a HR department already, it’s time to establish one!

These are just a few changes to your workplace and work schedule that can really help to create a happier and more content workforce. There are, of course, other measures you can implement. But this really is a great place to start!

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