How To Keep Your Business’ Data Safe

Protecting your business from cybercriminals should be one of your top aims. If you are not worried about your customer’s data falling into the wrong hands, then you are naive about the threats to all businesses. You might think that your business is too small or inconsequential to attack. But every business across the whole world is at constant risk of an attack from cybercriminals.

In fact, your business may currently be getting attacked multiple times each day, and you might not even be aware of it. All it would take is for one attack to be successful and you might find yourself facing considerable financial problems. 

What Are The Major Threats To Businesses?

There are several major threats to businesses, these include:

  • The potential for a Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) – this is where your companies website or server will come under repeated attack with more requests than it can handle. Eventually, it won’t be able to take any more and it will crash. 
  • Phishing attacks – where hackers gain access to your information by getting you to provide the login details. This is often carried out through fake phishing emails. 
  • A ransomware attack – where your business is brought to its knees or data is stolen and you are held to ransom in order to mitigate the threat. 

Protecting Your Business Using Appropriate Access

There are many ways of protecting your business from the threat of an attack. Firstly, you should ensure that whether your team have access to customer files, or are primarily carrying out updates on your high end GPU server, they each have their own unique set of passwords that only they know.

These should be changed every month at least. Multi-factor authentication should also be employed where needed to ensure tighter security is in place. When someone leaves your organization, their accounts and login details should be removed from the system immediately. 

Additionally, be cautious about who you let access your data by providing the best protection. For instance, using DMA privacy is the best way to regulate gatekeeper companies that could gain access to your company information. The more protection you provide, the less likely you’ll have to deal with information leaks.

Train Your Employees To Avoid Phishing Scams

Phishing emails can be quite well put together. They certainly work.

Educating your employees on the signs to look out for that an email is, in fact, trying to steal valuable login details is vital.

Make sure that your team all know that they should not click on any links, and if they have any concerns about any irregular account activities they should access any accounts directly via the regular URL instead of via any links in the emails. 

Using A Managed Service Provider

To ensure that your business is kept safe, and that your customer’s information is also secure, you may wish to use the services of a Managed Service Provider.

By outsourcing your business’ data protection and security you will get the best support possible. Having an external outsourced agency carry out full and thorough audits on your systems will allow you to find out about any weaknesses that might prove to be a risk to your business. They can also help you to mend any areas of concern and create plans for what to do in the event of an attack. 

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