Inspiration Comes In Numerous Forms: 6 Ways To Foster Creativity In The Younger Generation

Parents everywhere can attest to the fact that summer boredom can be a real issue for teens. This is especially true for teens who are too old for daycare programs but too young to have part-time jobs and volunteer opportunities. So, how do parents help their younger teens stay entertained during the summer months?

Some help their teens foster new outlets for creativity. Let’s look at six ways parents can do this.

Take Inspiration From Parents’ Jobs

Many parents are lucky in that they have jobs they love and are passionate about. One easy way to foster creativity in teens is to share that passion. A parent who works for a non profit advertising agency, for example, could teach their teen the basics of creative advertising. They can even take it one step further, and “assign” their teen an advertising project for a client.

Be an Example

Along the same lines, a parent can share the creative hobbies they are passionate about with their teens. Parents who don’t feel they have any of their own creative pursuits to share should remember that it’s not just about arts and crafts.

Creativity is found in anything that is done with passion. Gardening might not feel creative, but ask your teen to draw a plan for a flowerbed to plant and you’ll see just how much creativity comes out.

Utilize Social Media

Most teens spend a lot of time on social media, especially during the summer. Try directing their attention to Instagram, Tick-Tock, and other social media accounts that inspire creativity. An article from Forbes features 13 fashion models whose social media accounts provide a wealth of support and inspiration for their followers, especially teens. Other accounts feature how-to videos, dances to learn, and any number of creative activities teens can learn.

Encourage Creativity, Whatever That Looks Like

The key to utilizing social media to foster creativity is to recognize the creativity in the accounts teens follow. Parents might think Tick-Tock dances are ridiculous, but for a teen who has never danced, they are fun and inspiring. Encouraging and supporting teen’s creativity means keeping your own opinion to yourself and supporting a teen’s creativity no matter where they’re finding that inspiration.

Help Them Accept Risks

Teens can be hesitant to try new, creative pursuits for fear of failure. This is a common fear for people at any age, but especially at this age. To help teens accept that trying something new is worth the risk of failing, learn with them. If your teen is interested in learning to paint but worried they’ll be horrible at it, take a painting class together. That way, they’ll see you modeling the idea that learning something new is worth the effort.

Try Virtual Classes

There are a huge variety of organizations that offer virtual classes. If your teen is hesitant to try something new and creative, a virtual class might put them as ease. The Herald talks about a virtual writing class offered by Indiana University designed to give teens the opportunity to explore creative writing. These types of classes can be great for teens, as they are taught by professors passionate about the creative pursuits they are teaching and foster that passion in their students.

These are just a few ideas parents can use to help foster creativity in their teens during the summer months. To find even more opportunities, parents are encouraged to look around their homes and communities and keep their eyes open for creative opportunities. Once you look for ways to inspire creativity in the younger generation, opportunities seem to spring up everywhere.

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