Too Many Online Courses, How To Find The Ones You Need
Like with anything else in the online environment, the sheer number of courses available to the public means that many like us, here at #NewToHR, swim to find that ideal course.
What programs to choose?
The current temptation is to sign up for as many courses as possible, neglecting their quality or usefulness for one’s career.
Yet, some time needs to be invested in developing the proper formula for introducing such learning pursuits.
The pitfall to avoid is to grant online courses the same weight as you would normally do with traditional sectors of your CV like formal education and work experience. Online courses matter, but some recruiters are still reluctant to take them serious, especially if they do not conclude with a certificate! (ohh so old-fashioned ;))
Showcasing courses you complete – can work miracles for a fresh graduate, to stand out from the thousands sharing the same degree. Such initiatives also rank as a form of showing one’s commitment to lifelong learning, a skill today’s companies require.
Online courses prove that you’re a self-taught person that can tackle new topics with renewed enthusiasm and commitment.
When speed and efficiency are primary concerns of any process, schools, and even universities are giving up on the olds ways and permanently replacing the whiteboard with computer screens tied to a network. Because they are pre-recorded, online courses can replace the cumbersome manner in which a lecturer goes from one class to another, sharing the same lessons.
But the first sign that you are taking too many online courses is that you barely have time to catch up and complete the assignments, and ‘attending’ online classes becomes a burden.
Humans have a limited attention span throughout the day and full-time work or a study schedule leaves just a few hours for additional learning.
Therefore, finding the online courses you really need is of maximum importance.
A good starting point for your searches is the “syllabus”, which should be enough to figure out – if the class matches your expectations. DO NOT not loose time lingering on the topics you already master!
The potential offered by an online course often depends on the teacher that masterminded it.
Taking some time to check the (academic) background of your future tutors, as well as their real life experiences – as this might save you time and money. Also, having someone you trust who took the course before you, and can share information with you, may be helpful 🙂
Are You Ready To Go Skills Banana?
One of the biggest resume mistakes is to mention the courses that got you first started in a particular field.
Low-level courses can make you look inexperienced and may also ruin your credibility. Listing high-level courses shows that you know the all learning stages. Another mistake is to list online courses you took in the past, and which had no noticeable follow-up!
If you did not put the acquired knowledge and skills to use in a real-life work scenario, it means you probably took that course in vain…
Some of the online courses you signed up for might work against you and reflect a “weakness“, but showing the intention to address these and reflect on them can score you extra points!
When it comes to offering online courses, there are virtually two approaches.
Organizations like Coursera act as a hub for hosting courses of the most reputed universities, while companies like The People Engine produce their own lectures in the form of video lessons. Both offer their users the comfort of a home venue and flexibility regarding the choice of hours for study.
The two offer a rich array of fields and sub-fields, enough to satisfy every aspiring student.
A third important alternative is Learning.ly, a platform that focuses mostly on experts teaching their skills through short video classes.
Basically, it is a form of apprenticeship tailored for the demands of the 21st century.
The trend of online courses shows no signs of slowing down and data indicates the market is far from exhausting the potential.
In a world that appreciates instant gratification and cherishes the comfort of sitting at the other end of an Internet connection, more and more people choose a simpler, friendlier, and more cost-effective method to acquire knowledge and skills. It is easy to expand your general knowledge and online courses definitely deserve a place on your LinkedIn profile. You can also be that person that takes this advantage!
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