Modern HR – How To Ace Being An Employee Champion


Organizations and corporations are undergoing massive changes in today’s business world.

The HR department is experiencing a lot of pressure from increasing globalization, rapid technological changes and increased competition. These changes call for a new, different, and more modernized approach by Human Resource towards achieving organizational goals.

Employees are the backbone of a company or organization, therefore, a good HR team will have Employee Champions to execute the following strategies and techniques to make the company’s employees feel more valued.

Modern HR business roles:

A Strategic Partner

An Administrative Expert

An Employee Champion

A Change Agent

The above strategies were compiled and recommended in “Human Resource Champions“, a book by Dr. Dave Ulrich,  renowned writer in the HR field today.


HR As An Employee Champion


Prioritize your employees.

A modern HR employee champion listens and responds to an employee’s personal needs and puts them first. As an employee advocate or sponsor, a HR manager needs to provide a working environment in which workers choose rather than feel forced to be motivated, productive and happy at work.

Cultivate a culture of effective communication, goal-setting, and empowerment.

As Manager, you need to build your employee’s oneness with the organization. Assigning them responsibilities gives them a sense of ownership in the company and develops a culture and climate where they feel concerned, committed and competent to serve customers exceptionally.

Employee assistance programs [EAP].

Strategies to assist employees to get past complaints and problems helps them focus on a common goal. Addressing these problems with continuous communication strengthens employer-employee relationship.

Employee development opportunities.

The employee advocate makes opportunities available to employees to help them better their talents and skills on the job. This strategy will improve their problem-solving capabilities.

What are you waiting for? Carpe diem!


* the video is a mini-lecture by our founder, Nicole on Modern HR – for one of the online group classes she is facilitating.

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