New Recruitment Methods

New Recruitment Methods. #NewToHRNew Recruitment Methods. #NewToHR

Candidates worldwide today depend on various channels, such as jobsites and Social Media whilst searching for new jobs.

It is evident that the total approach towards traditional hiring and governing methods has tremendously changed in the last twenty years.

Popular jobsites such as are becoming more traditional for jobseekers to upload their Resume and apply for jobs. Yet, social media sites such as LinkedIn and Xing are professional networks where employees from all across the world meet each other and communicate ideas and exchange job opportunities.

On these channels, candidates share various discussions about opportunities in their company, share their opinions about their respective jobs and related knowledge about the companies that are hiring. Overall, social media sites have brought about a revolution of sorts and have changed the way candidates would have perceived job opportunities alike.

For instance, employees of the same company working in two different countries communicate via their intranet chat systems or use a VOIP, like Zoom, Skype and Periscope in order to quickly video conference, chat, talk and share their work-related files.

On the whole, this is how candidate experience has changed with technological advances:

  1. Candidates apply for jobs at their own convenience via jobsites and social media site advertisements posted by organisations and recruiters.
  2. Candidates often have the privilege of working from home when busy. Due to new communication media the candidate can stay in touch with their boss.
  3. Candidates can  work flexible working hours.
  4. Candidates feel at home wherever they are, in any part of the world.
  5. Candidates are much more aware of the job opportunities in the market as they get to network with people from around the world very easily.
  6. Candidates experience more engagement in their jobs and are able to coordinate better relationships within their teams as they keep in touch.

More technological advancements, such as the Apps have made it easy for candidates and organisations to stay in touch and create a talent pipeline.

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