The Stance On Vaping

The Stance On Vaping. #NewToHRThe Stance On Vaping. #NewToHR

In an effort to curb the unhealthy habit of smoking, many nicotine users are turning to e-cigarettes. They produce no smoke and are as yet very much unregulated by health agencies across the world.

Because of this, it is up to the people operations team to be proactive and develop a stance to determine what is considered proper form when using an electronic cigarette.

By taking the time to do this, you are laying down a law well in advance of when it may become a much larger issue.

The importance of creating a company stance on the accepted usage of electronic cigarettes is only increasing with the number of users.

In the office, there may be some that have made the switch in order to stop or try to stop smoking together, and any unorganized approach could inhibit their efforts. Similarly, the vapor emitted can annoy or distress coworkers, causing undue agitation among the team.

Every company’s approach will be different, but so long as it respects both parties, it will do its job. Some have even created designated ‘indoor vaping zones’ for those that do not want to head outside.

Though it will differ from business to business, there are a few key features that need to be incorporated in order to create a fair and thorough set of rules.
  • First of all, explain the reasoning behind the publication of a policy with evidence that supports the stance.
  • Describe where electronic cigarettes can be used and why this is acceptable.
  • Note who it applies to, when it will go into effect, what products it refers to and if there are any exemptions.
  • Be sure to also include what type of punishment will be incurred should the directions be ignored.

To start the policy creation process, consult those that are relevant. Speak with coworkers, managers and building personnel to collect their opinions as well as any building violations that may come under scrutiny. Once the ideas are flowing, consult research. Understand any adverse health effects vaping could pose to others if there are any.

Once it is all written out and approved, make sure it is reviewed every six months or so to update it based on any developments both in the office and without.

The electronic cigarette seems to be a much healthier alternative to getting a dose of nicotine, yet its place in society is still as yet undecided.

After doing some investigation into scientific studies surrounding any adverse effects it may have on health in addition to consulting with what your employees deem acceptable, you can decide on where it’s place is in your company. This will acknowledge to those that vape that you are aware of them and are working to find the best way to support their decision.

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