Supporting Your Remote Workforce

The coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic have caused countless businesses to switch to remote working in a bid to slow and minimise the spread of the virus. This, of course, is a huge change – and it’s going to take some getting used to. It’s worth knowing that this isn’t just a big change for you as a business owner or leader. It’s also a big change for your staff and you’re going to have to provide them with support through this.

Here are a few different things you can do to help them adjust to their new mode of work – whether this is permanent or simply for the time being!

Provide IT Support

Your staff are going to be highly reliant on tech and connection right now. Without good IT support, they could find themselves facing problems that it would take them a long time to overcome themselves, halting their work and significantly reducing productivity. By providing services for them to use like http://www.prosum.com/managed-it-services/, you can ensure that they are able to work and overcome problems around the clock.

Provide Communication Software

This is an easy time for people to fall out of touch with one another. Clear and open communication is key to any business’ success, so you’re going to have to make sure that your employees can communicate with one another as they would in the office, even if they are in completely different buildings and locations.

Communications software like Microsoft Teams will provide the option of voice calling, video calling and even instant chat features. Not only will this ensure everyone can ask what questions they need, hold meetings and relay deadlines or other necessary information, but it also allows staff to chat more casually and will help to keep team spirit alive.

Make Sure Everyone Knows What Their Targets Are

Make sure that team meetings are still being held and that managers are still relaying all necessary information to make sure that every staff member knows what they’re doing and what is expected of them. It can be easy for people to slip behind or feel lost with their work right now. A good idea is to set KPIs – or “key performance indicators” – so everyone knows what to do and what is expected of them.

Be Understanding

It’s important to be understanding as an employer right now. Your staff are likely going through the hard time, the same as everyone else in this pandemic, so there’s a chance they may be slightly less productive or not as focused as usual. Try to be understanding. Offer help and support when you feel people may be disheartened. Comfort those who are struggling. This will boost staff satisfaction and help things to get back on track sooner rather than later.

These are just a few different steps you can take to help support your staff through this pandemic. Each suggestion can make a profound difference to your business’ success!

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