The Tech Tools Every HR Department Needs

Human resources (HR) departments have a minefield of rules and regulations to follow. There are not only the federal laws, there are the state laws and the rules of the company they are part of.

From basic facts about each employee to payroll and dealing with problems or promotions, it all adds to the workload of an HR department. Technology is helping though and there are now some tools to help busy HR departments.

The size of the business will help determine which ones would be of most use.

Recruiting Software

Before anyone comes under the jurisdiction of an HR department they first of all need to be recruited by the company involved. So much more of this process is done online these days, and it is often just the last few candidates that are offered a face-to-face interview.

Dealing with all the applications an HR department can receive for each job advertised could be a significant amount of work. Each application needs to be checked, and they need some way of knowing the person applying is who they say they are.

Netverify Identity Solutions, which you can find at www.jumio.com/trusted-identity/netverify, is one option that is often used to check this. As the name suggests, recruiting software will help to streamline the process of hiring new employees, and is certainly a lot quicker than having to track the applications manually.

HR Management System

These systems are said to be the best friends of HR departments. Once the data has been input, they will organize it in departments, age groups, skills, attendance records, and anything else you can think of. Then at the touch of a button, they can have the information they need.

This can be very useful if they have an employee sitting in front of them and they need as much information from as many different angles as possible, quickly.

Payroll Service

Payroll is one of the largest nightmares for any HR department.

It needn’t be though if they use one of the online payroll services like the ones at https://www.ceridian.com/. These systems will automatically track paychecks, deductions, paid vacation time off, and will report the details of new employees to the IRS.

There are some that are meant for small businesses and others that will easily cope with the payrolls of large organizations, including filing and paying the payroll taxes.

Opting For The Right Solutions

There are many other types of technology that can help ion an HR department, such as employee engagement tools, benefits management platforms and performance solutions. Every HR department is different though and you need to find out which ones would help yours the most.

You should ask the HR employees their opinions, as they might be more aware than you are which areas they need the most help in. You should also not assume that the most expensive is the best, as often they are meant for the largest of companies. You could be spending far more money than you need to, and should take care that you are opting for the right solutions.

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