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Top Health And Safety Tips For Your Start-up Business

Top Health And Safety Tips For Your StartUp Business by #NewToHRTop Health And Safety Tips For Your StartUp Business by #NewToHR

As they grow start-ups require more staff, larger premises and more equipment, and with all of this comes a need for increasing health and safety support. For those business owners who don’t know where to begin, here are some of the most important factors that you need to consider so that your staff are kept safe as your organisation grows.

Know What You Need

Every workspace is different, and as such each requires different health and safety procedures. Read the Health and Safety At Work Act to find out more about your responsibilities as an employer so that you can make sure your premises is compliant and as safe as possible.

Inform Your Staff

Keep your employees informed about the health and safety policies in your workplace so that they can do their bit to keep their space safe. Any equipment you have should have a sheet taped to it with health and safety tips, and there should be notices placed at strategic points throughout the building. Send round a bulletin regularly to make sure that staff are aware of any developments in the health and safety space.

Give Employees Responsibilities

Your staff will be more likely to take responsibility for aspects of your firm’s health and safety if you give them a specific role, such as fire marshal, first aider or safety monitor. These additional responsibilities will make team members feel involved and give them the chance to learn about different aspects of your firm’s health and safety policy.

Keep Your Space Clean

Every workspace needs to be kept clean and tidy in order to function properly, and this is particularly true of growing organisations. The commercial cleaning specialists Ideal Cleaning can help you to ensure that your staff can work in a safe and tidy space. They provide daily office cleaning which will ensure that the environment always looks spotless.

Create A Stress-free Environment

The mental wellbeing of your staff is as important as their physical safety, and so it’s important that you give staff regular breaks and create a supportive internal culture. This will not only improve mental health for staff, but also reduce the chance of anyone having an accident because they’re stressed and not working to the best of their abilities.

Give Staff The Equipment They Need

Make sure that staff have the personal protective equipment that they need to stay safe in their role. Evaluate the tasks that every staff member undertakes and make sure that they have the safety gear that they need for every aspect of their role.

Hire A Health And Safety Consultant

Should you feel that you do not have the experience and expertise to create a safe environment for your workforce, then collaborate with an experienced health and safety consultant. There are health and safety consultants operating across the market, often specialising in specific sectors so that you can find the perfect individual or organisation to support you and drive your firm towards better practices.

As this article proves, there are loads of ways you can keep your workspace safe so your business can grow and flourish.  

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