Why You Still Need Support Even Though WordPress Is Free

Why You Still Need Support Eventhough Wordpress Is Free by newtohr.comWhy You Still Need Support Eventhough Wordpress Is Free by newtohr.com

Web design agencies provide a range of services aimed at creating and maintaining excellent websites. A central element to any website is its content management system; that is, the system that allows the creation of the content on your site. One of the most popular is WordPress. It is a free open source content management system that can be easily installed. 

Given this, it may sound strange that professional support is available, let alone recommended.

However, as you will see, there are several reasons why your professional website will benefit from WordPress support from an expert web design agency.

Why Choose WordPress Support 

WordPress is free to install and provides everything you need to create and upload exciting and well-designed content for your website. However, attempting to do this without professional support from a website design agency could lead to a host of difficulties.

One of the reasons why professional support is advised is the amount of time it takes to learn how to use the system. Even if you have a background in content management systems, each is different and the time that you are spending on WordPress is time you are not spending on other aspects of your business. 

Another reason to consider expert web designer support is the potential for things to go wrong. One mistake in coding or installing the wrong plug-in could derail your website for hours, if not days. All the time your website is down, it is not converting visitors into buyers.

More importantly, if your website is not working properly on one occasion, potential visitors are unlikely to try again, or to recommend your site to others. The reasons why you should consider an expert web design agency in using WordPress do not stop at getting up and running.

  • There are also long term considerations. Something as simple as an update to the system can cause you problems, particularly if you do not understand its consequences.
  • There is also security to consider. As secure as systems such as WordPress are, there is always someone trying to hack into them.

If this happens, then your site being down will be the least of your problems. You run the risk of secure details including customer’s payment details, being leaked.

What Support Can You Expect?

Individual web design agencies will provide different support services. However, there are some services that you want your potential web designers to offer if you are going to choose them over others. One of these is theme modification. Finding the right theme is important in conveying your message to your visitors. As well as achieving this, it also needs to be functional and allow your website to work effectively. Even the best content management systems occasionally have problems, errors and bugs.

Dealing with these quickly and effectively is crucial if you are to keep your website up and running and not share problems with your visitors.

A professional web design company that can deal with these issues is a must. If you use your website to sell products or services, then eCommerce is most likely one of your key concerns.

A professional company that can provide this service is essential. The service is likely to include aspects such as setting up payment gateways and installing add-ons to support you in monitoring your business.

This could involve such functions as extracting reports, creating custom shipping guidelines and developing offers and discounts for your goods or services. It could also involve integrating your commercial site with other well-known product listing websites to increase your potential customer range. 

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