Right now, it’s more important than ever to keep up a good momentum when so many people are now working from home, and HR teams are no different – they are going to not only have to keep up their own momentum but help the rest of the employees push through and keep motivated too. It’s a difficult position to be in, but there are ways that it can be done, and done with relatively little effort once the right tools and practices are in place.
It’s crucial that the shift from working together to working alone in virtual teams is handled carefully. Stress, fear, depression, loss of focus, and many other problems can all occur in remote workers, especially if they hadn’t ever expected to be working in this way. Read on to find out just how HR teams can keep remote working momentum for all.
Keep Connected
One of the most important elements – possibly the most important element of all – is staying connected.
If the HR team can ensure they are in contact with every individual, they will be better placed to help and notice the signs of burnout, stress, and mood changes.
Something as simple as a change in someone’s appearance (perhaps someone who started working remotely by dressing smartly as though they were going to the office and then begins to dress much more casually, or even not bothering to get dressed at all might be a sign of a low mood or giving up).

The point is, if HR teams can see everyone every day, they will notice the changes. They will see where the problems are lying and will be able to step in where necessary to assist in whatever way they need to.
Unless properly connected using technology, this is just not possible, and employees could go days or weeks without any real contact. In that time, their unhappiness and discomfort will only become worse.
Enforce Breaks
In a physical workplace, breaks are easier to enforce.
They are so important for employee well-being. Even a short 10-minute break, moving away from the computer screen, perhaps even getting outside for some fresh air, is enough to kickstart momentum once you are back at the computer and getting on with your work.
Enforcing these breaks when people are working remotely is much more difficult. With a home office, it is tempting to do more work than you might normally – after all, it’s sitting right there, and if you have to stay home for quarantine particularly, you might be tempted just to do another 10 minutes here, or 30 minutes there.
This might stave off boredom, but it won’t necessarily be very productive, and over time momentum will disappear. It is far better to have regular breaks and leave work at a set time each day, just as you would in an office. Although the HR team can’t make anyone take a break, they can check in and remind people to do so, and even offer suggestions as to what they could do, such as using a custom flag maker or baking a fresh snack, and this could be enough to boost momentum again.
Answer Questions
The HR team will play a pivotal role in the business when it is working remotely because it is this team that is going to be the first point of contact for employees who are having a hard time or having trouble settling into the routine of home working. In order to minimize disruption and help keep employees mentally well, the team needs to be able to answer questions and be there when required.