How To Become A Great Place to Work

How To Become A Great Place To Work. #NewToHRHow To Become A Great Place To Work. #NewToHR

The Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement report showed that 63% of employees listed job security as one of the most important components of job satisfaction.

62% of respondents also listed opportunities to use their skills and abilities as important, and 55% listed the financial stability of their company while 53% cited benefits, communication between employees and senior management and the work itself as crucial factors.

To provide a great place to work, we must be the driving force behind the wheel of employee wellness.

Steering company culture toward a brand that values their employees should be a priority, as the people-centered approach is one of the most proven methods of turning employee engagement into employee happiness.

One of the most famous people-centered global organizations is Google, who implemented a modern twist on their HR function, referring to it as People Operations, or POPS.

While not every company can offer the perks that Google can, we can take some solid steps to ensure employee happiness and establish a pleasant workplace – and it begins with HR.

One of the biggest challenges facing human resources in the workplace today is the eventuality that by 2020, there will be five different generations working together! Yes, 5!

A historical first, it brings more problems to the HR function as we need to develop new ways to motivate and lead different talent who come from varying generational backgrounds and upbringings.

  • When trying to create a great place to work, remember that those known as the Traditionalist generational (born prior to 1944);
  • and the Boomer generation (born before 1964) respond better to disciplined work spaces, stricter strategies and the chance to work on their own initiative – failing to allow them to do so can create workplace havoc!
  • At the same time, Gen Xers (born pre-1981) and Millennials (born before 1995) are more likely to respond to closer supervision, expect consistent praise and acknowledgement and flexible schedules.
Creating a balance, and being open-minded when dealing with different employees, can improve your workplace as HR tailors its services to the many different brains that are behind the success of the organization as a whole.


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Moving away from how we manage people, we must also assess how we communicate with each other if we intend to create, and keep, a happy office.

Do your employees willingly mingle with each other or do they just respond to their colleagues emails when they really have to?

If your workplace dynamics is missing some strong peer relationships, encourage team bonding. Your talent will not look forward to coming to work every day or even show up with a positive attitude – if they feel that they work among a group of total strangers or opposites. Although you are not trying to create an office full of buddies, you are trying to formulate an office full of direct, clear and pleasant communicators.

In order to create and sustain talent that can deliver profitable results, HR must make sure they are providing a workplace which allows creativity to flourish. Encourage ideas and communication, plan out your management plan and steer your organization toward greatness!

© New To HR


Nicole Le Maire:

View Comments (1)

  • I think it varies by workplace how happy people are. It starts with the supervisors and how they their employees. For most, this is not an easily made friendship, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying your work. Rather, start mingling around the water cooler or between office cubicles. Before long friends will be made that last a lifetime.

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