Increase Employee Engagement With Young People

There are many benefits to increased employee engagement, especially with young people in the company. Many employees feel left out and that their efforts on a day to day basis simply do not matter.

This is the opposite of how employees should feel in order for a business to be productive and run efficiently.

Employees who are not engaged with often are typically dissatisfied with their employer and are less productive. If a business is experiencing high rates of absenteeism and declining or already low productivity than it could mean that there is little employee engagement and that the employees are feeling hopeless and left out.

Effort needs to be put specifically into engaging young employees as more senior employees are already aware of how the business operates and what’s expected. Young employees on the other hand are scared to speak up and are worried about how their performance will affect their employment. Engaging these young people will not only show to them that they are an important part in the business but will result in increased productivity, higher performance, and less of a chance of them quitting or being absent.

The biggest impact of low employee engagement is the one it has on how effectively a business is run.

Underperformance and high turnover are telltale signs that there is not enough employee engagement and if the young employees are not sticking around long enough to make it to managerial or senior positions than something clearly needs to be changed. There are many things that can be done to increase engagement and ensure that young individuals are satisfied with their current positions.

Being honest and opening communication between leadership and lower level positions is key towards building lasting relationships and improving employee engagements.

Younger employees who are stuck wondering if they are even relevant to the business will begin to feel more important and will be able to contribute to the growth and success of the business. Another way to increase engagement is by following through with promises.

Many business leaders will promise something, but simply fail to see it through while expecting employees to live up to different standards. Someone new to the business or a younger employee will be able to see this and will act accordingly. Yet, once they are engaged and their perspective changes their whole attitude towards the work they produce and how they interact with their coworkers and senior positions will change positively.

Engaging employees, especially younger ones, is a long process and effort needs to be dedicated towards achieving appropriate employee satisfaction.

With engaged employees your business will not only become better but will grow quickly and experience less problems.

After being engaged and being shown that the leaders in a business are there for them, employees will begin to operate in a manner that benefits not only themselves but the entire business as well.

© New To HR


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  • Different organizations define engagement differently. This model includes employees’ satisfaction with their work, the scope to which people enjoy and believe in what they do for work and the opinion that their management values what they bring to the table.

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