Engaging The Individual
Gone are the days of group messages commending a “job well done“.
Technology is becoming more and more personalized, users are expecting the same kind of individual attention in all aspects of their lives.
The need for a personalized way of dealing with employees will only increase and it is time to re-evaluate your reward system so you are ‘not made fun of‘ by the new talent flooding the marketplace.
Technology is changing far more than how we utilize data. It is truly affecting how we all perceive the world and how we should be treated.
With so much customization, the old rules of an ‘office congratulations’ or ‘thank you‘ no longer hold the power they once did.
Change starts here and to produce the individualized results needed, it is yet again up to Human Resources to start a serious discussions with the board/management about this (new) staying ‘trend’. Only by getting your boss to understand the importance of input that in meaningful to each INDIVIDUAL person, can you start to instigate a change. People tend to follow the examples they see set forth!
Aside from managerial encouragement, you must also balance the fact that management may not have the time necessary to research every employee’s encouragement level on a personal level.
This automatically makes you the eyes and ears, gather what you can from employees through tools like questionnaires documenting for example – likes and dislikes. These can be stored on personal files (as informal comments) and shared when it is time for commendations. Though it may sound impersonal, it is an easy way to stay connected to each employee without dedicating your already strained resources.
If done correctly, your retention rate will vastly improve!
Employees truly appreciate being ‘singled out’ and thanked for their hard work on projects they have completed. It is a form of motivation that is too often ignored in favor of mass messages and parties where the hard work of one can go completely ignored.
On a similar note, this works to keep employees engaged. Your organisation and teams will begin to feel like what they do in their job plays a significant role in how the company functions. This then leads to them developing a stronger sense of pride in their work and what they soon consider to be their company.
With new talent at stake, it is one of the easiest changes to make to keep them interested.
© New To HR