Any Suggestions On What Other Skills I Need
A Question from one of our readers:
Hi, my name is Mathew and I am new to the profession of Human Resources. I graduated and earned my Bachelors degree in Human Resources. Recently I completed an internship in a Human Resources department and they offered me a full-time position. The position is for a Human Resources Assistant. I know it is an entry level position. I have the book knowledge, but not the practical hands on experience. This job will really help me get the hands on experience I need. My question is what other skills will help me in doing a better job so I can gain experience and move on to the next level in Human Resources? Thank you for your help. I look forward to hearing back from you. Regards, Mathew
Hi Mathew,
Following is our answer to your question:
Other skills that will help you in doing a better job so you can gain experience and move on to the next level in Human Resources.
You already have a Bachelors degree in Human Resources Management and have completed an internship in a Human Resources department. And now you have been offered a full-time position from the organization where you completed your internship.
Your new position is a Human Resources Assistant. Congratulations!
It is very difficult to secure a job when you do not have the practical experience. Accepting the internship was a very smart move on your part. The internship helped you get your foot in the door which gave you the ability to get to know the people in the Human Resources department and for them to observe your skills and ability. You are now able to apply your book knowledge and put it to practical use in this entry level position.
The best way to gain experience and expand your knowledge base is through the actual hands on work. Learn as much as you can.
Ask if you can observe or be trained on other tasks that are not in your job description. Explain your goals and interests to the Director of Human Resources. Let he or she know you have a Bachelors degree in Human Resources and are eager to gain the hands on experience you need to continue in your career move. Make sure you let them know you appreciate the opportunity this job provides and your willingness to learn new tasks and contribute to the overall function of the department.
We are not sure what your current skill set is, but the more skills you have, the more marketable you are.
Here are some suggestions for you.
- You need to know the basics, such Microsoft Office Word and Excel
- Knowing PowerPoint is a plus for presentations (if you don’t know it, it is in your best interest to learn it)
- Learn the organization’s HRIS program
- Find a site for HR Newbies and join, look for one that offers free training that is HR related
- Join groups on Social Media platforms, such as Facebook (make connections)
- You can use YouTube to search for tutorials of any additional skills you may want to learn (great resource, all types of training available for free)
When you are just getting started in the Human Resources profession, you want to be a sponge and “soak up” as much information as possible.
Learn as many skills as you can. If someone is offering to teach you something new, take them up on it. You can never know too much when it comes to your skill set.
By joining groups and networking you will meet all types of people. Some may be just like you, just starting out. Others may be a little more seasoned and on their way to accelerating their career. Then of course there is the individual who has accomplished his or her goal and arrived at where they want to be. You may get lucky and find someone who wants to take you under their wing and mentor you. There are lots of people out there who are willing to help.
Do not lose your passion!
You may hit bumps in the road along the way, but keep going. Remember, anything worth having requires you to work for it. Facing the challenges the learning process entails will make this journey more rewarding.
We hope you find this information helpful. Wishing you the best of success in your journey!
Our response to your question is based on our professional experience and knowledge. This in no way means this is the only way to handle the issue, it is just the way we would handle it.
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