Signs That You Are Feeling Disengaged
We have all had a feeling of total apathy towards work; it’s a rite of passage for anyone who is in long term employment.
Feeling totally disengaged with your work is never a good thing, it leads to a drop in quality of work, a general dissatisfaction with your job and can lead to a very negative mind set.
Human resources is no different, like any type of job, there are pros and cons, ups and downs that will make it a rollercoaster of emotions. This is a good thing though, as it shows that there is still some passion there, the good times make you feel better, and the bad make you appreciate the good even more. The point where you care about either can be worrisome, and many HR workers have found themselves at this point.
Identifying the problem is half the battle, and as soon as you realise you are feeling disengaged with your work in HR, you can now put your efforts into changing these feelings you relate to your job.
So what are the signs of disengagement?
Lacking Motivation
Feeling fully motivated is a sign that you are happy with your work, being ready to tackle the tasks of the day with a smile on your face. When the motivation drops off the radar, then you could be feeling disengaged.
HR involves working day in to try and make the company a better place to work in for all employees. That is an important role that does make a difference in the work place, and as soon as you stop making a conscious effort to do this to the best of your ability, then disengagement may have reared its ugly head!
Drop in Quality of Work
This could come in many formats, from skipping meetings to failing to meet deadlines, there is so much important work involved in HR, and when the quality of work drops for some reason, it could be due to disengagement.
Knowing what you are capable of will give a strong indicator of how much of a drop there has been.
Where you previously on point with deadlines?
Maybe now you are interviewing potential staff with a lack of interest and care, any drop in quality is sure sign, so be careful to look out for it.
You are Becoming Isolated
HR is working with the people of a company, so you really need a lot of daily engagement.
From hiring new staff members to working in hand with current ones to help them in any number of ways, there is a lot of communication between you and bother people.
Even the management members will want to hear from you regularly, and you should be relishing all of the hands on work.
Finding yourself working less with others will be a key indicator that you are feeling disengaged with your work.
There could a number of reasons on behind it.
- Maybe you are feeling underutilised, many people operations departments are seen as a necessity rather than an asset to be used.
- Maybe you do not want to interact with more satisfied staff members.
Whatever the reason, if you find yourself becoming more reclusive in your work, it could be time to take proactive action.
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