Infuriating Colleagues

Here at New To HR we sometimes like to share a bit of fun research, but this survey definitely has a serious undertone!

As it seems that coworkers are getting more on each other’s nerves, especially in certain industries.

Now while every office has a few bad apples, nearly 40% of the US survey participants cited infuriating coworkers as the reason behind changing jobs! – with professionals in entertainment, food/hospitality and real estate being most likely to do so.

First, the fact that 100% of the respondents admit to getting annoyed at work is not surprising. We are human, after all, and an office full of different kinds of people with different experiences is bound to create some personality clashes. Luckily, the majority of respondents claim to be annoyed only with up to five coworkers. To the 2% that are annoyed by 10 or more coworkers, perhaps it’s time to find a new job! It’s not always who we work with but what we do that can contribute to in-office tension. The healthcare and insurance industries have the highest number of 'annoying' coworkers and 40% of the respondents who work in fashion/art and retail claim to be the most annoyed on a regular basis.<br /> So what are all these coworkers doing that is so irksome?

Find out which industries had the highest number of trying coworkers, the most gossip at work and the most overall complaints about their colleagues:

Infographic and survey by Olivet Nazarene University


The best way to do deal with this type of workplace – is to throw away all preconceived ideas and, challenge the prevailing limiting beliefs of yourself, your team and company!  Working towards a common ground, can extinguish any form of tension and make those bitter feelings between you and your colleagues go away.

If you are a manager, question yourself on how to bridge the gap between some of your subordinates and colleagues, focus on increasing the well-being of your organization!

Here are a couple of #NewToHR blogposts that may help with this:

Achieving Excellence Through Culture Change

How To Say It

Your Legal Rights In The Workplace

The Basics Of Emotional Intelligence

How To Become A Great Place To Work


Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Online Course


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