How Tutors Can Stay Motivated

A major part of a tutor’s job is to inspire and motivate their students to do their best. Some people have a natural ability to motivate others, others have to learn how to inspire their students.

  1. But how does a tutor stay motivated?
  2. Where does a tutor draw their inspiration from?

Many tutors, especially freelance tutors, work in isolation. While a flexible schedule is liberating, it can also be de-motivating and stressful.

Here are 3 simple ways a tutor, or any other type of freelancer, can stay motivated:

1. Get Outside and Move
Physical activity is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of creative and dynamic intellectual activity. - John F. Kennedy

You should get some type of physical exercise every day. If you’re not used to exercising, you can start with just 20 minutes. You will be amazed at how much your productivity will increase. If you go outdoors for your exercise, you can take in the beauty of nature. Your body and brain will thank you for the workout.

Regular exercise can offer many benefits to your mental and physical health.

2. Read
The more you read the more things you know. The more you know the more places you’ll go. – Dr. Seuss

The more you read, the more you’ll know and the more you will be motivated. Reading can open new perspectives and inspire you to view others in new ways. It can help you think differently and allow you to relate and empathize with others. Good reading material can also get your creative juices flowing. So, What should you read. You can try some of the books recommended by TEDsters or even pick up a few inspirational quotes.

3. Organize Your Work Space
If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, what’s an empty desk a sign of? – Albert Einstein

It’s rare that you will find a tutor with an empty desk,” suggests James.

Many tutors find that their desks get cluttered from time to time and their time is spent shuffling through papers or finding ways to work around the mess. Even your computer's desktop can be cluttered with files. This clutter can make you mentally exhausted, unproductive and de-motivated. If you go on Oomph you will be able to learn more about how clutter affects you and how you can deal with it.

One way to end clutter in your workspace is to set aside 1- to 15 minutes at the end of your workday. Spend this time de-cluttering.

Invest in the tools you need to help keep your office organized Adrianne, a tutor, shares her organizing ideas on Pinterest, this can be your inspiration.

And do not forget to organize your laptop files and create binders or folders for each of your students. You will find that by organizing your workspace, you will be more motivated when you sit down to work.

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