Career Visualisation And Barriers

Career Visualisation And Barriers. #NewToHRCareer Visualisation And Barriers. #NewToHR

Career barriers can affect you throughout your life and delay you in achieving your goals and dreams.

Christian Marie Herron, owner of the Herron Media shares her story on how she worked for 2 of the big auditing firms in the US and decided to leave her HR Director role to start her own business.

She also highlights that some of these career barriers that one may have could be related to one’s capabilities, clarity, possibilities or part of the job tasks involved.  Her focus in her business is on working with introverts and women business owners, advising groups on making a (new) start and moving forward.

You cannot tackle your goals without errors, foul-ups and some fumbling along the way.

No matter how clear your vision is, how detailed your plan, when you take action there will still be mistakes and oversights. It is important to have the right career strategy and be willing to live with some mistakes.

Visualisation Exercise

The purpose of this exercise is to encourage and enable you to think creatively and imaginatively about your career direction and potential.

Imagine you are 18 years old and you have just received a great set of exam results that gives you a free choice to study for a degree or qualification at any university or college, anywhere in the world.  You also have a grant which will pay for all your fees. No loans, no debts, no pre-conditions. (gosh, what a wonderful life!)

So the question is, given such a free choice, what would you study? 

Put another way, what would you love to spend a year or two or three years becoming brilliant at?

  • You can even create your own degree course to fit exactly what you want to do.

The important thing is that you can visualise and consider what you would do if you have a free choice.

  • So, what is actually stopping you from pursuing your career dreams?

In almost all cases the obstacles will be self-imposed.

Of course it is not always easy to do the things we want to do. But most things are possible – and you do not need to go to university for three years to start to become who you want to be and to follow a new direction.

It starts with a realisation that our future is in our own hands.

We ourselves – not anyone or anything else – determine whether we follow and achieve our passions and potential, or instead regret never trying.

Write down your own career visualisation and your related beliefs.

Your Visualisation & Related Beliefs



What was the most enlightening?

Spend 15 minutes with someone who you can trust to discuss your visualisations and the associated enabling and limiting beliefs. 

© New To HR

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