3 Industries On The Precipice Of A Boom
Today’s post is aimed at giving you some business inspiration. For whatever reason, you’re thinking about starting a company. This could be another business to add to your collection, or it might be your first every startup. The key to starting a successful business is finding the right industry to enter. Here are a few options that are either starting to boom or about to:
Online Personal Training
The idea of online personal training has been around for many years. Some people prefer to pay for online training as it is cheaper and more convenient. However, in the age of COVID-19, restrictions have been put on gyms and fitness facilities. As such, people had to look for effective ways of working out at home.
Thus, the online personal training realm absolutely exploded. In doing so, people realized how convenient this was. So, expect to see this sector continue to grow in the coming years. There are many ways you can approach your business idea in this industry. Some trainers provided video consultations and bespoke training plans, others put together complete packages that anyone can buy for a set fee.
CBD & Legal Cannabis
Some states and countries are legalizing cannabis and allowing people to grow and sell it. This is sometimes a touchy subject for some people, but it’s not too dissimilar from selling alcohol or prescription medication. Anyway, this industry is booming because of the sheer variety of business plans you can opt for.
On one hand, people will start cannabis farms and sell their products. Or, you can focus more on the CBD side of things, which has proven to be very popular in recent years. You’ve also got a whole subdivision of this industry dedicated to accessories. For instance, companies create and sell things like a preroll case or joint cases. There are loads of ways you can cash in in this industry!
Tech Support
The tech support sector is having a field day thanks to the rise in people working from home. Companies are investing in more technological devices and software – including things like video calling programs, etc. As a result, employees need to learn how to get to grips with all the new technology in the modern workplace. In turn, more problems are likely to be seen.
This paves the way for tech support businesses to come in and solve common issues. The demand for tech support is always rising as new technology is introduced all the time. You have to remember that the majority of the modern workforce is made up of quite old individuals. They didn’t grow up with this technology, so they need support. It’s a brilliant sector to start a business in as you can set a company up with very little money and run it from home.
If you’re keen to start a business in the next year or so, have a look at these industries. They’re experiencing rapid growth and look set to continue growing in the future.
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