3 Reasons Candidates Are Not Applying To Your Company
Your workforce can be one of the main reasons for your company’s success, which is why it’s important to hire top talent. Whether you’re recruiting a Marketing Director, Software Developer, or Customer Service Assistant, you’ll want to ensure that the person you hire has the skills, aptitude, and professionalism to represent your brand.
However, you can only hire talented professionals if they respond to your advertisements and apply for positions within your company. If you aren’t getting the responses that you expected to your recruitment ads, take a look at these three reasons why candidates aren’t applying to your company:
1. Vague Job Description
If you don’t provide sufficient information regarding the vacancy, potential employees will have no idea what’s expected of them. Some will assume that they’re underqualified and you’ll miss out on hiring talented workers, for example. Alternatively, potential candidates will assume that a vague job description equates to an undefined role that will come with an unmanageable workload.
Before you place an ad, think carefully about the duties that the position involves and make them clear. When you convey the job role accurately and with detail, you’ll find that there’s an increase amongst the number of applicants with the skills you’re looking for.
2. Company Reputation
If your company reputation isn’t overwhelmingly positive, it could be discouraging applicants from wanting to work with you. In the same way that potential customers will be put off by negative online reviews or low rankings, potential new hires will also be wary of engaging with you. Savvy job seekers will always research a company before applying, so dealing with negative reviews should be a top priority if you want to hire top talent.
Every company should have a successful reputation management strategy in place, so be sure to integrate this into your operations. When you seek advice from specialists, like Reputation Defender, you can access the tools and techniques you need to build and maintain a positive brand and employer reputation.
3. Complex Applications
Before you decide which candidates to interview, you’ll want to vet applicants and make sure they have the skills and qualifications you’re looking for. A comprehensive application process can enable you to gather more information about an applicant, but it can also put people off. If it’s going to take numerous hours to apply for a role with your firm, for example, potentially talented members of staff may look elsewhere.
Of course, the complexity of the application process should reflect the nature of the job. You’d expect to provide additional information if you’re applying for a role as a CTO or Operations Director than if you were hoping to be hired as a Sales Assistant, for example. Review your current application process and make sure it’s well-suited to the positions you’re advertising for if you want to increase the number of candidates you get.
4. Building a Productive Workforce
Your employees are critical to your commercial success, so it’s worth investing your time and resources in attracting the right candidates. While it can take time to build productive and efficient teams, the results you’ll get will ensure your efforts are worthwhile.