5 Ways To Ensure You Hire the Right Person Each and Every Time
Ensuring you create a vibrant and diverse workplace is all down to the employees. Hiring the right employees can make a big difference to your business, which is why the recruitment process is so vital. But what can you do to make sure that you hire the right employee for your company every single time?
Here are some things to consider.
Look for Career Commitment
It sounds obvious but if you find someone is committed to their career this makes them the perfect fit. This is arguably why the nurse recruitment sector is so popular as these are people who have discovered their true calling in life. Finding someone with a sense of career commitment means that you are going to end up with someone deathly serious when it comes to their role and their progression. You need to look at the candidate’s resume and previous job durations. Because if they are constantly switching jobs, will this make them the right person for you? It’s unlikely.
Look at the Cultural Compatibility
An employee that fits in with your company culture is crucial. And this is where we have to ascertain their skills in terms of collaboration as well as functioning socially so they can get along with managers and other employees. Because if you want someone to work with you, they have to be willing. And if they are not particularly skilled when it comes to getting along with clients (or bosses), this may prove to be a big sticking point.
Testing Them in Different Ways
This is a difficult area. But it’s so important because we shouldn’t just look at the resume. We need to remember that a resume can contain many fabrications or exaggerations, so testing them in key areas like analytical skills and their education means that you can find someone that really does fit in and can upskill themselves.
Look at Social Media Presence
Platforms like LinkedIn are a massive resource for hiring new candidates. When you look at a candidate’s presence on social media, this can be an excellent strategy to bring the right people into your business. Because we can’t ask personal questions throughout the hiring process, this is where social media presence gives us an idea if they will be a good fit with the organisation.
Address Your Hiring Process
Looking for the right employees is not just about the right method, but it’s about ensuring that what you are doing is conducive to attracting the right talent in the first place. So rather than just sifting through resumes, you may want to fine-tune your hiring process. This can involve asking more focused questions as well as looking at the job posting itself.
The job post is so important because you need to be able to weed out people who are on the fence about applying. Highlighting very specific duties and your demands for education and skills means you will find candidates that fulfil all of your criteria. When it comes to finding the right employees we must remember that as a business grows, we need to bring the hiring process down to its finite components.