Finding A New Job In A Pandemic
The working world has changed dramatically since Covid-19 peaked across the world. Working from home started to become the norm. Furlough, a word which many people had seldom heard before, became frequently used. People have spent several months unable to work or, in some cases, concerned about redundancy and job security for the future. Due to this, it’s become essential for many to find a new job.
While it may be tempting when trawling the job boards to apply for any and all positions, you do need to give some thought to the roles you are applying for. It would not be prudent to apply for a position as a Houston based personal injury lawyer if you are a dentist living in Austin. Instead, it is better to utilize your achievements, or seek new ones.
Be Courteous
While you should certainly prepare for making applications and attending interviews, your conduct following this is also important. Sending the recruiting agent a follow-up email after an interview to thank them for their consideration and time can make a huge difference.
This gives the impression that you are a humble and polite person, as well as someone who people might want to work alongside. Likewise, thanking a company for their consideration when you send the initial application can also have a positive effect.
Practice Interview Techniques
The way that interviews are being conducted is now changing. More often than not, you will be invited to interview via telephone or video call. You will need to ensure that you are prepared to take and answer, questions in this manner.
This practice can be particularly useful for those who lack confidence in telephone conversations, as well as to help you come across as confident and up to date with the latest communication methods.
Develop Your Skills
If you find that your current skill set is not giving you the desired results, or if you fancy a change, it may be worthwhile looking into extra training to really set yourself apart from other candidates.
You can find a variety of free online training courses, such as EdX which offers free courses from MIT and Harvard. Other websites, such as HubSpot, can enable you to complete courses that will allow you to use certain badges on LinkedIn, which will be visible to prospective employers.
Networking is more important now than ever.
Historically, networking was undertaken at exquisite balls and gave the wealthy and fortunate even more opportunity to expand upon their current status. Now, it is vastly easier. Individuals can sign up for networking websites specifically related to employment.
LinkedIn is one such website. Here, you can build up a list of contacts of current and previous employers and co-workers, as well as to search for jobs and engage with others in your field.
Whether you are caught in a pandemic, a recession, or simply on the lookout for a new job, there are opportunities out there for you if you are willing to seek them.
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