Empowering Your Team To Make Better Decisions
Recognize leadership
Whether you’re finding new staff for the business or simply creating a more autonomous team out of the employees already at your disposal, it’s important to make sure that there’s still some leadership amongst them. If everyone is equals, it becomes harder for final decisions to be reached and tension can be high if there are sides in disagreement.
Take the time to find those with real leadership potential, such as the ability to organize workflow, to communicate effectively, and to consider the needs and feelings of their co-workers.
Not only can they help provide the team with a little direction, they can act as a point of contact for you so it’s much easier for both sides to stay updated.
Lend them the insight they need
Sometimes, your team needs a little more information, insight, or resources than they have at hand, at the moment. For that reason, you should make sure that you build links between team leaders from different departments, so they can quickly share with one another.
If they’re making decisions that can affect the company’s finances directly, then you should also look to bookkeeping firms and make sure you have an accountant on hand who can help analyze the financial impact of their decisions.
The easier it is for them to access the expertise they need, the quicker they can come to informed decisions.
Improve the conversation
Sometimes, making decisions is the result of a long process rather than one simple meeting. To address longer-term needs and conversations, it pays to offer them tools that improve their communication. For instance, project management software can help them keep track of different key performance indicators, schedules, and conversations from which they can gather data that helps lead to a better decision.
Encourage individual teams to have regular team meetings, too, where every member has the opportunity to address potential issues or barriers to productivity. Help them get more engaged and invested in the conversation.
After all, it becomes much easier to find a solution when you have the cooperation of everyone involved and all the perspectives they can bring to a question.
If you’re willing to trust your team to work on their own without your direct supervision, you have to make sure they are making directions in the right decision.
Empowering them not only takes some of the work off your plate, but it also makes them more motivated and invested in the business because they feel like trusted members of a real team. You just have to do it right.
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