How to Attract Visitors To Your Website
The number one challenge faced by most new internet business owners is a lack of traffic. With billions of websites out there, many doing and selling exactly the same thing as you, you need to stand out a little more and bring them to your site.
- Without this traffic, you are not going to be generating any sales.
- Without sales, you won’t be making any money.
- Without making any money, you won’t have a successful business.
In this article, we are going to look at a few tried and tested ways of bringing that all-important traffic to your website with a view to converting them to sales.
1) Check your website
Rope in friends, family, fellow business owners – you can even pay for mystery shoppers to visit your website and check how efficient it is.
- Is it easy to navigate?
- Do all of the links work?
- Is it appealing in the first place?
Make sure it looks clean and uncluttered. It is also important to check your sales process is simple and straightforward. If your customers have to go through many pages and fill out unnecessary forms, there is a good chance they will click away, or not return to your site.
Ideally, the sales process should involve three clicks or less. It is also a good idea to make sure you have a way of capturing customer information, through the use of opt-in offers and newsletters. This is a way of bringing customers back time and time again.
2) Search Engine Optimisation
You may not see the benefits of this straight away, but if you want your website to rank highly in Google, you need to have a good understanding of search engine optimization.
It is more straightforward than it sounds, but if you are unsure of it, get the experts in to sort it for you-you will thank your future self, I guarantee!
3) CPC ads
This is one of the most immediate and straightforward ways of driving traffic to your site. A lot of CPC (cost per click) or PPC (pay per click), as it is sometimes known providers offer ‘auctions,’ where you can bid to have your advert placed in the most prominent positions in search engines.
Amazon and Walmart performance Ads work in very much the same way. It is also a good – and cheap – way of reaching your target audience, through the use of keywords and carefully chosen demographics.
A benefit of CPC is that quite often, they reach customers towards the end of the sales funnel, so clicks are likely to convert to traffic and sales.
4) Links on other websites
This not only can increase your ranking on Google but appearing on another website can also drive traffic to your site overnight, especially if featured on a major website in your industry.
Link building requires minimal effort on your part with maximum returns. If you are not sure how about approaching other sites to swap or sell links, find an outreach company who can do the hard work for you.
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