How To Be A More Confident Employee
Trust is a highly substantial quality. Often, it wants to be an object of envy at the sight of these people who seem to be generously endowed with it. For some, self-confidence seems to come quite naturally, as if it is imbued with their genetic code. However, the truth is that for everyone, trust is something that needs to be worked on. Important in all spheres of life, it is not lacking for professional life.
Whether it is to represent you well during speeches, meetings, interviews, exchanges with colleagues or other communication contexts in the workplace, trust is a major player. This is what colors the perception we have of you, and also what will help you achieve your goals. The level of confidence is measured in the words used, the way of communicating, and especially in the non-verbal.
No matter where you stand in a company, it’s always the confidence that makes you come out the winner when it comes to climbing the ladder. Here are some tips that will help you get there, and learn the self confidence formula is, with minimal effort.
Speak slowly
Your speaking speed has a lot to do with listening to your interlocutors.
As relevant as your information is to share, the way you do it is even more important, and this is what will inspire those listening to you to carefully consider your speech.
Talking too fast often projects a person who lacks confidence, and can also hurt your presence and the seriousness of your sharing. It is people who speak fluently and choose their words carefully who gain the most in listening and respect from others.
Also, slowing down your speaking rate is a great way to think about your next topics, as well as to stay focused on your goal.
Choose your words carefully
The choice of your words has a huge impact on the message you want to deliver.
Avoid complex formulas and bland expressions. Words and expressions such as:
- Occasionally
- Probably, generally
- May be
- I suppose
Instead, use definitive statements to communicate more clearly.
The less you circumvent, the more your message will be understood, and your contribution will be more appreciated.
Use positive body language
Your posture says a lot about you: nervousness, fear, anger and many other states are evident there, although the non-verbal is an unconscious phenomenon. For example, when you gesticulate quickly and stomp, you appear nervous. Even if the hands help pass and support certain messages, having them put your clothes and hair back, or even having them go on a table or the armrests of a chair can easily illustrate a lack of self-confidence.
Here, instead focus your efforts on sitting up straight, maintaining good relaxed posture, as well as open body language. Keep your head up! Sometimes it’s hard to lean into it while trying to communicate an idea, but with a little practice you will get there. And why not ask a trusted colleague to assess your body language during your next presentation. Perhaps you will then have leads that you would not have suspected you could get?
Take care of your clothes
Being well dressed is generally a good engine of self-confidence, not to mention that it plays a big role in the perception that others have of you. While choosing outfits that respect the company dress code, adapt them to your personality as well. This is what will make a difference in how comfortable you are wearing them, feeling yourself in them, and projecting instant confidence that will influence your nonverbal.
And don’t forget that a smile is what completes any outfit!
Take responsibility for your actions
To err is human: no one is perfect. Everyone does, in life and at work. To have committed one is not what one remembers. How you handle the situation is what matters most, and also what is generally imprinted in our memory. Our best tips here are; not to take anything personally, to avoid blaming others, and not to be tempted to complain.
Besides, taking the blame for your mistake and accepting it demonstrates your emotional intelligence and your confidence. It is also a way of proving to your colleagues that you are transparent, and that you do not keep any bitterness, which strengthens the bond of trust in your relationship and their admiration for you.
Taking responsibility for your actions also helps remind you that there are many types of situations you can handle, which in turn boosts your confidence in yourself.