How To Bring Your Business Premises Into The 21st Century
Employers have a duty of care to ensure their premises are safe environments for staff to carry out their daily work.
While most responsible employers ensure they meet this basic requirement at all times, some seldom go beyond that to create inspiring and innovative premises.
As a business owner, you’re probably looking at how you can improve the working environment for you and your staff.
Simultaneously, you want to set an example to others in your industry of how bringing your business premises into the 21st century can vastly improve productivity and efficiency.
Take a look at the following ideas and suggestions to help you get started on your journey to workplace zen:
Accentuate Features Of An Old Building
Are your business premises located inside an old or historic building? If so, you should consider emphasizing its importance in your business instead of trying to hide away any period features.
For example, if your business is on the site of a former well or flour mill, you could install a glass floor and lighting underneath to showcase that fact.
Are glass floors safe, you might be asking yourself? The truth is that glass floors get constructed of several thick layers and offer a “failsafe” in case the top layer breaks.
Have Air Conditioning Installed Throughout
Let’s face it: no one wants to work in a building that seemingly retains the heat during the summer months and gets so hot it causes people to feel unwell.
Such issues can even cause employees to take time off work because they don’t want to work in the sweltering heat.
Avoid such a negative impact on your firm’s productivity by having a complete air conditioning system installed throughout your building.
Your staff will enjoy working in a climate-controlled workspace and even prefer to come into work during hot days instead of staying at home!
Install Photovoltaic Cells On The Roof
There’s no denying that the cost of electricity is spiraling high, especially due in part to recent events in Eastern Europe. Did you know that more businesses are generating their own electricity by installing photovoltaic or PV cells on the roofs of their premises?
Photovoltaic cells, also known as solar panels, capture the sun’s energy and help convert it into usable electricity in offices, warehouses, and other areas. Solar energy is also useful for heating systems and providing on-demand hot water.
Incorporate Quiet Zones In Your Office Space
One of the downsides to offices, especially open-plan ones, is how noise levels can easily rise and cause some people to lose focus on their work. That’s why it makes sense to incorporate some “quiet zones” at your workplace.
In a nutshell, a quiet zone is a room or dedicated area of your premises where employees can sit down and relax or carry out their work, free from noise and distraction from their co-workers.
Create A Community Garden
Do you have some unused space outside of your premises? If so, you could always convert it into a community garden. It’s an exciting way for people to spend their breaks, as they can grow fruit and vegetables as a collective, and everyone can benefit from each other’s efforts.
Employees could even tend to their plots in the community garden on their days off, and the garden could even play host to team-building events like summer barbecues.
Make It Easy To Recycle
Everyone knows about the importance of recycling, and it’s something that most individuals do automatically at home. However, what’s interesting is how a significant number of businesses have little to no recycling facilities on their premises.
You can help buck that trend by introducing an array of recycling options and initiatives at your building. For example, you could set up recycling stations at different points of your offices and warehouses, making recycling easily accessible for all.
Invest In Modern Equipment And Machinery
One final tip to help you bring your business premises into the 21st century is by investing in modern equipment and machinery. Yes, there is often a significant capital investment required, but the upshot is your business will be leaner, more productive, and more profitable.
It’s worth investigating lease deals for new equipment and machinery, as they can make upgrading more cost-effective for your company.
The above outlines some of the top ideas you can consider for making your business premises more modern and relevant to your organization.
While it’s true some changes may require considerable investment, the result is worth the effort and financial commitment – boosted employee satisfaction, productivity, and profitability.