Tips For Successfully Starting Your New Job
Starting a new job can be a daunting time. You might feel a little nervous to meet new people and feel the pressure to perform and give off the best first impression you can. If you are starting a new job, then fear not, here are some top tried and tested tips to help you settle in successfully and make the right first impression.
Before you start
Before you start there is some general housekeeping you should pay attention to. Firstly you must go into your new career with the right mindset. Try to avoid putting too much unrealistic pressure on yourself. Yes, you want to give a good first impression but if you try to do it all in the first week you might end up setting yourself up for a fall.
Your first few days will be about picking up your employee ID cards, orientation, meeting your co-workers, and familiarizing yourself with the working setup. Focus on these few basics first and foremost, after all, knowing where the coffee machine and the toilet are is essential.
Plan your arrival
Again, before you start if you are expected to be in the office on your first day at a certain time then it might be a good idea to do a test run beforehand so you know what to expect from your commute, how long it will take, and where you are going. There is nothing worse than turning up late and flustered on your first day. Oh, and try to arrive just a little ahead of schedule.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
You are not expected to know everything, you are new to the company and the job so asking questions is almost expected of you. Your employer would prefer you to speak up and ask for help and advice where you need it. It is easier to give out advice than it is to undo a fix a mistake you might make without the help you need.
Work on building relationships with your colleagues
You will spend large amounts of time with your colleagues and you may need them more than you know. There is nothing worse than working in an environment where you feel uncomfortable or unable to socialize with the team around you.
Although relationship building as a newbie can be difficult, especially if you are a naturally shy or introverted person it is important that you try to push yourself out of your comfort zone and do your best to start harboring relationships with your new colleagues. Offering to do the coffee run is normally a great ice breaker.
Try not to stress
Everybody has had the first day at some point, and everyone has felt nervous and apprehensive about it but try to view your new job as an exciting opportunity. A chance to progress and grow your career, keep your expectations realistic and remember that it will take time to settle in and get to grips with everything. That is perfectly normal, so try not to stress and enjoy the experience and make the most out of the opportunity.