3 Ways To Impress Visitors To Your Office
When people come and visit your office, it is similar to if not more important to when someone comes to visit your home. It is a reflection of you, and it says a lot about you and is all part of the impression people have of you and your company.
When it comes to your office, it is more important as anyone visiting there; you probably do want to impress whereas friends coming round to your house don’t mind seeing a bit of mess.
A client or customer will want to see what you’re all about and how you present yourself, so it’s very important to make a good impression. So, how can you do this?
Train Your Employees
You need to make sure that all your staff knows that anyone who comes to the office should be treated well. Tell them to treat any visitor like they would treat their personal customers, even if they do not have a functional role with that visitor.
This means making eye contact, smiling, saying hello, and asking any unattended visitors they see, if they can help.
Reception staff particularly are the most important when it comes to visitors so make sure that they are smiling when they are on the phone, smiling and polite when speaking to visitors in person, making friendly eye contact with people and using hand gestures to show that they will see to the visitor and offer assistance immediately if they are busy on the phone when they walk in, it is important to acknowledge them.
Make sure they’re not looking down and using their own phones as this can be very off-putting for visitors.
Add Little Touches
A really nice touch to have in your reception is a lobby board which says “Welcome, Joe Bloggs from THIS Company.” This is a really simple but effective gesture and only takes a couple of minutes to put together but shows your visitors that you consciously thought about them before their arrival.
Make sure that they are seen to when they arrive, that there are nice reception chairs for your waiting room and that they are offered something to drink. Invest in a nice coffee machine and water cooler that is accessible in the lobby or reception area so that people can see it and help themselves while they wait for their meeting.
Have some fresh fruit out or healthy, wrapped snacks on offer, and even have today’s newspaper available.
Keep It Clean
It goes without saying, but it’s still important to make sure that you do keep a clean workplace in every area a visitor can see, especially near the entrance. Hire a professional cleaner that offers Disinfecting Solutions to make sure all of your premises is perfectly spotless.
It can be easy to get used to certain things that need fixing up when you see it every day, so get someone else who doesn’t work in your office to have a look from an outsider’s point of view, they will see what a visitor will see and will notice if the paint is chipped, the carpet’s a bit worn or old magazines are making the place look tatty.
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