5 Easy Ways To Double Down On Your Business Security Today
Do you want to double down on your business security and ensure your business is as safe as possible? As hackers become smarter and more advanced, and threats to your business seem to grow by the day, there are a few things you can do to keep your business safe from harm. Read on for some advice:
- Vet Interviewees Properly Before You Hire
Make sure you’re vetting interviewees properly before you hire. It’s so important they are who they say they are, and that they have the qualifications they have claimed to have – especially if you’re in a sensitive business field. Look into their background and check in with their references, ensuring they are genuine. If somebody isn’t who they say they are, it could be a danger to your business and cause unexpected problems down the line.
- Use Multi Factor Authentication
Multi factor authentication can add a layer of added security to your business. While it may seem like hassle, the time spent using this is much less time than it would take you to recover from data loss and reputation damage.
- Ensure You’re Working With Trustworthy Suppliers
Your suppliers can make a big difference to how secure your business is, too. Suppliers like Brumleve will help to protect your sensitive data, but you will need to look closely into your own suppliers to ensure they are doing the same.
- What is their policy on storing your information?
- How do they keep it safe?
- Is there anything they do that could put your business at risk?
- Have A Social Media Policy
Social networking comes with its own fairly new set of concerns. Once that information leaves your building, it can rarely, if ever, be recalled. You can delete a tweet or status but it can be on the internet forever in some way.
Making sure you have a reliable team member handling the accounts is key.
Somebody with experience will know what to write and what not to write, as well as how to ensure your business is still protected. There are templates online you can use for putting together your own social media policy.
5. Secure Your Physical Premises And Prepare For Anything
Don’t underestimate the importance of securing your physical premises, either. Depending on the nature of your business, you may want to hire somebody to man the doors.
If not, making sure you have security cameras and alarm systems installed will ensure the authorities are called should somebody breach your premises who is not supposed to be there. It’s also important to ensure that equipment is secure, and that your information is safe even if something happens to the equipment.
Prepare for both a break in and a natural disaster. What is your plan should something like this happen? Having a plan for after the fact is also a must, alongside appropriate insurance cover.
How are you going to double down on your business security? Leave your comments and ideas below.
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