6 Important Things To Consider Before Going Freelance
Making the decision to leave your job and go freelance is probably one of the best decisions you’ll ever make, but also one of the most stressful ones too. With so much to think about before you take the leap, you need to ensure you are making the best possible decision for you.
To help, here is a list of 6 important things to consider before you go freelance:
Do You Have Enough Money To Get You Started?
If you are thinking of taking the leap and becoming a full-time freelancer, you need to ensure you have enough money saved up in case of emergency.
When you first start your business it is likely that you’re not going to make as much as you would have in your employment, so you need to have money put back to cover any unexpected bills or expenses you may come across. The suggested amount of savings is at least 6 months salary.
Do You Have Any Clients Lined Up?
When you start your own business it is important that you have a number of clients lined up already. Whilst this doesn’t necessarily determine your overall success, it’s the best possible way to ensure you’re getting off to a good start. Make sure you’re taking the time to onboard a couple of clients before you leave your current position, giving you that peace of mind that you’re making the best possible decision for your career. For tips and tricks on how to gain new clients, you can visit this guide here.
How Will You Bring In Any New Clients?
Even though you may have a couple of clients when you first start your freelance journey, you need to ensure you’re bringing new people into your roster as often as possible. During the first few months you will be finding your feet and so clients will be coming and going faster than you can imagine. Take the time to speak to as many people as you possibly can, giving yourself a decent client base to work with.
What Do You Need To Do Before You Get Started?
Getting started as a freelancer can be incredibly difficult if you don’t know where to start. To begin with, you need to consider when you’re going to register as a business and how you’re going to carry out your yearly tax return. Once you’ve got these sorted, you can start to plan the finer details of your business. For more information on carrying out your tax return, you can visit this site here.
Do You Need To Use Any Management or Project Management Software?
If you’re going to carrying out a lot of project or casework as a freelancer, you may need to consider using some form of management software. Whether that project management for an event or case management for a lawyer, the software will make everything a little bit easier. For more information, you can visit matter management software.
Have You Set Goals And Put Together A Business Plan?
Finally, you need to think about setting yourself some goals and working on your business plan. Although you don’t need either of these to succeed, they’re a sure fire way to ensure you’re hitting each and every target you set yourself!
Have you been considering leaving your job and going full-time freelance? What do you need to prepare in advance? Let us know in the comments section below.
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