Arm Yourself With These Tools When You Face The Fight For Flexible Work
Flexible work hours have always been an employee pipedream. Even back in the fifties, office workers trapped in the 9-5 were likely staring out the window and wondering how good it would be to choose their hours to suit childcare, personal pursuits, or whatever else. Sadly for them, flexible solutions weren’t an option back then. Nowadays, though, we’re living in the remote revolution, hence why as many as two-thirds of US workers now enjoy this perk.
Sadly, if you aren’t one of them, you may look to your flexi-blessed friends with envy. Just imagine what you could do with the same benefit. We’re taking finishing your studies, finally finding time for hobbies, or even just being there to collect the kids. It’s the work/life balance you’ve always dreamed of, and it may be within easier reach than you imagine.
After all, even managers who haven’t actively advertised flexible hours are often willing to consider the possibility. With cloud capabilities and a need to be available outside of standard hours anyway, what difference does it make to them if you start working remotely or coming in a little later? Honestly, you’d probably be doing them a favor.
That said, flexible work is a benefit for you first and foremost, and approaching it wrong could see your manager refusing on principle. That’s why, before you pop the question, you should arm yourself with the following tools.
The art of persuasion
As much as they might have your interests at heart, few managers will care about giving you time for your masters degree in aviation if it puts them out. But, they’ll find it much harder to say no if you pursue a path of persuasion that paints flexi-benefits for them.
For one thing, you could push the whole idea that they’ll save money if you’re working from home. It’s also worth pushing the fact that customers will be happy if you’re online in the evenings to make contact more regular.
Even if you just plant ideas like these, make sure you give them time to grow. You might find that your boss then agrees to your proposition, and even thanks you for being so considerate!
The ability to strike a deal
Landing your strikes in the right place has always been a battlefield necessity, and the ability to strike a deal could be the thing to finally bring flexible working to your door. After all, even if your persuasion tactics don’t wash, the promise of getting more from you is sure to do something to help your cause.
By this, we don’t mean that you should sell your workplace rights in the hopes that your manager will take pity. Instead, it might be worth compromising on things like extra overtime, or even weekend working if that’s something your company prioritizes. Then, once you’ve done something to help your manager, they’re far more likely to shake on a deal for the flexible hours you crave.
The official paperwork
If you go into flexi-work negotiations waving paperwork around, you’ll instantly put a bee in your boss’ bonnet. But, if these other tools haven’t done much good, it might be time to pull out a few official documents that could turn things around.
With some exceptions, most workplaces have regulations in place around things like unique employee lifestyles. The policy will also outline things like procedures for an official request to change your hours, and even the notice you need to give if you really do have your mind set on flexible working.
The main thing to note here is that, even if your contract is on your side, the official route can strain and even ruin manager-employee relations. With that in mind, you don’t want to fire this gun too keenly. Still, you may find that it doesn’t hurt to prove that you’ve done your homework if your boss isn’t biting.
Belief in your convictions
Too often, employees place quiet requests for flexible work and even downplay how much they want this perk. You don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, after all. But, remember, this is your life! And, if you have a valid and pressing reason for wanting flexible capabilities, you need to prove that belief to your boss.
Simply seeing how much this means to you and how hard you’re willing to fight could see them at least granting you a flexible trial. And, if that goes well, you could find time for things on the side before you know it.
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