Building Good Relationships With Outsourced Services
Every business out there has to outsource a task every now and then, and that’s no bad thing! However, if you’re just outsourcing to anyone, and you don’t really mind what happens when the job gets done, you’re doing your company a disservice.
Building relationships with the people who know how to cover your bases when you don’t is a big part of generating success, and you’ve got a lot to learn from those around you! But how do you go about building these kinds of productive, working relationships? Well, with the tips below, we’ll help you get a good start on your networking abilities.
Be on Time!
If you’re going to outsource a job, you need to be punctual and timely when it comes to meeting your contractors face to face, as well as answering any email or message communications from them. You’ll want to move on a tight schedule, especially if you’ve got a contract that specifies when work will be completed and how payment will be sent!
Don’t let yourself down here; try to make any outsourced needs a top priority, and answer to them as and when they pop up. Think of this as an extension of control over your business, and a good way to keep the wheel turning – it’s definitely a mark of quality on your part.
Communicate as Much as Possible
Communication is king in the networking world; it’s how a dialogue gets started in the first place. But beyond telling a contractor you’ve hired for bore drilling on a property what you need from them, you need to take your communication efforts a step beyond.
You need to keep up with the calling and emailing, and try to aim for a back and forth that’s promising for both parties. You know that you’ll have someone to call on in the future for similar work, and at a discounted rate, and they know you’re going to recommend them to anyone you know who needs their services.
Know What You Want
Finally, before you enter into any agreements, or you move any money over, or you even think to talk to a contractor of any kind, be sure that you know what you want. Don’t just send a quick and simple brief that contains little to no information, or even a load of non-relevant information, and try to be as detailed as possible when it comes to your needs.
After all, anyone who takes on an outsourced job is an expert, yes, but they’re not a mind reader! If you have an idea for how a project needs to go, be sure to fill them in, and always let them know (going back to the communication point above!) where they’re going right and where they’re going wrong. They’ll respect you for not wasting any time, and for also keeping their intelligence in mind.
If you want to build a relationship with those you outsource to, keep these tips in mind.